Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Growing Anticipation in Fields of Joy & Grace

We are in that time of year when everything seems to be bursting forth. The growing season is here. Those cherry tomato plants I bought on Mother’s Day have quadrupled in size. The wooded area behind my house has greened up. The sun creates dappled patterns as it slips through the leaves of the trees. It is a time of growing anticipation.

With anticipation comes joy. In this joyous time, it seems that life cannot be contained. And, from this growth hope spills into my life. How can I not be hopeful when everything is so full of life? For me, the key is in balancing the hope with the distress that I see in the world.

Sure, I do things, like read the news, that cause despair. I cannot seem to end that particular addiction! I have interactions with grumpy people — and sometimes people interact with the grumpy me. But, when I stop to breathe into life for a moment, my awareness slides through the uncertainty, the fear, and into the wonder of life. 

In that wonder, I can anticipate change whether it be like the growth of a tomato plant or whether it moves along at a snail’s pace. I have hope that change is bringing the transformation that I need at this time in my life. If I focus too hard on suffering and despair, then the hope that comes with compassion is hidden in the undergrowth of my life. In each moment I practice compassion, I alleviate suffering and clear the way for hope to sprout.

Maybe, just maybe, when we become aware of the wonder, the potential that exists within us becomes the roots that bear the stems of our hope-filled actions. Those actions herald transformation. Remember that transformation, much like the roots of our potential, is an inside job. It is that tiny eternal flame inside us that propels us though life’s messiness into a space of transformative grace.

For me, grace is the ability to stay positive, believe in forward movement, hope for a better outcome. Grace shows me how I get stuck and lights the way to getting unstuck. Grace is the light that shines upon the cracks in my wounded soul and powers the healing that brings me back to myself.

This year is a year unlike any other. We have been through the dark night of Covid and are nearing the dawn of new day. As we enter this brave, new day, we are asked to breathe deeply into our soul and ignite the flame of grace that propels us through the uncertainty, through the fear. Into our respond. That response is to act from the depths of our courageous self. 


Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an intuitive-coach-catalyst. As a contemplative coach, she uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for navigating those scary places. The result? Creating a blue print for your life through a deeper connection to your intuition. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Her most recent book, As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive, is available on Amazon. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook /  @fyrserpent 


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