Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A Fine Line: Dream vs. Fantasy

Sometimes fantasy blurs into dream and dream edges into fantasy. There is a fine line between fantasy and dream. Have you found yourself crossing this line? Have you found it difficult to discern between the two? I know that I have.

A dream is a desired goal; it may be your raison d’ĂȘtre. A fantasy is an unrealistic outcome based upon a want. It is easy to see how the line between the two blurs when we are unaware. We become aware of how we encroach this fine line through discerning what we want versus what we need. Only through reflection and introspection can we separate fantasy from dream and reach our goals.

The power of dreams propels us toward our goals — both short term and long term. Each step toward the dream gives us the energy to try one more time to succeed no matter what our perceived and real limitations. In fact, our limitations become challenges to overcome on the road of realized dreams. 

Fantasies are illusions. Through them, we create false, unsustainable pathways through our life. Caught in a fantasy, we do not actively engage our soul purpose. We get mired in false hope. The fantasy becomes the beginning, the middle, and the end of the journey. 

If a dream is a “wish your heart makes,” then a fantasy is born from unresolved suffering. Through this suffering induced fantasy, we may believe that a challenge is a barrier to be leapt over instead of dismantled by learning its lesson. When we are enmeshed in a fantasy, we lose the capability to reframe. The fantasy deludes us into believing everything will be okay even when it cannot be. 

You may be surprised to discover that every dream must have a bit of fantasy woven into it. It is the part of dreaming big that propels us to new heights. But, we cannot allow the fantasy to overwhelm the dream. The fantasy is the place of exploration. Here we are daring and curious as we seek the possible that is birthed from the impossible. 

Allowing a bit of fantasy to seed your dream is the power of being a change agent, a willing participant in transformation. It is the power of a growth mindset, a willingness to be flexible and allow your dream to evolve into exactly what you need. A dreamer has goals, has a respect for the potential of the impossible becoming possible, and has a plan while being open to the guidance of her intuition.  Within those intuitive whispers are found the fantastical moments that nudge her closer to her dream. 

Hoping you ride the fine line into the realization of your dream, Vanessa

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive-Coach-Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa  (vanessa@intentandaction.com) for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2020  

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Where the Wind Blows

I do not know where the wind blows. I only know that it speaks of hope, propels me forward, and clears the way of transformation. While this wind may seem external, it flows deep inside of me shaking the dust and cobwebs from my dreams. Maybe the wind blows the same for you.

It ruffles complacency and reveals possibility. That is the power of the wind. We need not open a window at all for the wind to enter. For this winds finds its way in and out of the cracks and crevices of our being. Each gust reminds us to be true to our self even when we feel compelled to be the illusion that others want. 

So, what is this wind? From where does it originate? Deep inside each of us a divine spark is planted at the conception of our soul. This spark connects us to the Source of all. The wind emanates from the spark. It rushes through our connection to the Sacred and then whispers through the connection of our divine spark with other divine sparks. 

Upon it flies the best of each of us that we willingly share with one another. This wind binds our hopes and dreams together into a braided collective of possibility. As it twines deep inside us and reaches out to others, It sings of compassion, gratitude, unconditional love, and limitless joy.  This wind is our selflessness that manifests in compassionate action expressed internally, to our self, and externally, to others.

The wind blows sometimes as a gentle breeze that ruffles our feathers as we ride the thermals of change. At other times, it is a tornado that picks us up and twirls us high. From that vantage point, we gain a new perspective on life. Our world is freed from illusion as we fly into a place of transition that births our transformation.

No matter how gentle or fierce, the wind blows is exactly where it needs to. It invites us to peer into the dusty corners fo our soul and blow away the accumulation of our doubts and missteps. The wind blows with a courageous challenge to grasp who we truly are — that which we have hidden away. The wind propels us into the morrow as we and ride the thermals of transformation. I do not know where the wind blows, but it blows us to transform.


Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive-Coach-Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa  (vanessa@intentandaction.com) for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook / Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2020 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Just for Today: The Practice of Living

When I think about living in the moment, I remember my Reiki training. In every class I teach, I share the Reiki principles. Each principle begins with the same phrase, Just for today. Students are invited to live from those principles in each moment of everyday. Just for today is a reminder to be mindfully present wherever, whenever, and however you find yourself.

Although it may not be called mindfulness, many traditions invite us to focus on the moment. We are advised to be aware of opportunities that flit in and out of our consciousness. I have heard mindfulness referred to as “focusing your awareness on the Sacred.” What happens when you focus on the moment? I believe we discover that this moment is all we have. 

Our life is comprised of rolling moments one seamlessly flowing into the next. Unaware, we lose focus on our hopes, our dreams. We miss nuances of opportunity. Instead of responding, we react. But, all is not lost. In the next moment, we can regain awareness. Then, mindfully, we reset our intent by focusing on that moment and those moments that roll from it into the next.

Developing a rhythm of moving from one moment into the next takes practice. For me, there are three types of practice:

    • Practice is formal. You may meditate, walk, practice tai chi or yoga. These activities empower you to focus your attention in the moment as you connect with the world around you. This practice occurs at regular times throughout your day
    • Practice is informal. These are check-in moments. Perhaps you are feeling frustrated or something just doesn’t feel right. You may be distracted. You take a break — focus on your breathing, go for a quick walk, play a game of solitaire. These activities serve as a disconnect from what is distractive and pulls you from the moment. They mindfully reconnect you to present moment. 
    • Practice is spontaneous. These are those moments when the extraordinary catches your attention and you mindfully engage it. You hear the laughter of a child and fully engage the joy. You notice the beauty of the sunset and breathe into it. Living in the moment, your senses come alive. You feel the sacred found only in that moment. The resulting energetic boost gives you the power to stay in the here and now for increasingly longer periods of time. 

Using those three powerful words, just for today, decide what actions edge you closer to your hopes, your dreams. Then take those steps knowing that you have the power to realize exactly what you need. That realization happens only in the present moment. 

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive-Coach-Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Self Compassion: Growing Compassion’s Roots

Do you ever want to hold others tight while sheltering them from a raging storm? Make that storm of worries, debts, and medical ailments — to name a few ailments — dissipate. Maybe you want to make the world less scary and a lot more sane. I know that I do.

It is true that we can alleviate the suffering of another, but to do so the roots of self compassion must deeply twine into the ground of our being. Without those roots we would be lifted into the winds of suffering. We would be depleted by its agony as the storm of suffering continues to rage.

As a compassionista, I have discovered that I cannot save the world; I can only save myself. Now, this is not a narcissistic salvation in which I turn away from others. This is a path of self awareness. I identify my suffering and gently, lovingly turn inward to alleviate my suffering. These acts of compassion increase my personal power. They can increase yours. Through these acts, we gain the fortitude, the strength, to empower others on their journey of alleviating suffering. 

This is what our life journey is all about. The only person we can save is ourself. An ongoing alleviation of our suffering creates the space for us to hold the suffer of another. Within that space we listen with intent and respond with compassion while helping the other find ways to heal themselves.

I’ve learned the hard way that fixing is not a synonym for compassion. Our solutions for the issues of another are most certainly not their answer. Our compassion is guidance through their suffering. With this realization comes the inner knowing, and relief, that we are only responsible for healing ourself. 

Say to yourself, “I cannot save the world. I can only save myself.” Full-body listen using all your senses to describe your body, mind, spirit, and emotions responses to the statement. Use descriptors to describe what you heard. Allow this knowing to bring understanding.

Gain an understanding of how deeply ingrained your desire to fix or save another may be. Then, reflect upon your reactions and responses to that statement over days, weeks, months — how ever long it takes — to gain a greater understanding of how your desire to help gets in the way of your compassionate action. Act upon your understanding.

You may need to work out a kink or two as you discover what stops you from growing roots of self compassion deep into your being. Continue to gently engage self compassion as you love those barriers away. Do it over and over again until you recognize this life is truly about you. It is only in this caring for yourself that you can show up and shower compassion on others. 

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive, Coach, Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa  (vanessa@intentandaction.com) for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook 
Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2020