Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Soaring into the Primal Power of Gaia

This past week I looked up into the sky and noticed it blueness and the companion billowing clouds. Wow! I thought. The Canadian wildfires are no longer blowing over Louisville. I can breathe into the blue! In those moments I allowed the blue to rest in my soul and calm the disquiet surrounding me blowing away some of the haze in my spirit.

I realized yet again the impact that nature has upon me. Blue skies uplift me. The eerie haze, not so much. It bogs me down. When I peer through the haze, I can see into the beyond. A place of clarity and wisdom.

There I can focus on the scampering of squirrel or the white stripes on the wings of a mockingbird as it takes flight. Blue jays and cardinals provide splashes of color. Even the cawing of crows anchor me into the moment. Nature calms the dis-ease and kindles the wonder in my soul when I get past that haze.

Nature has another face. The wind whipping through the trees, the rumbling of thunder, the flashes of lightning that brighten the night sky. These bring a different kind of energy. I can get stuck in the fear of what if or I can move through them past the disquiet into the calm. I use the energy of their chaos to stoke the flame at my core into a frenzy. 

Inhaling these waves, I breathe into the primal power. This gives me the energy to tunnel even deeper into my self. At the core, I find the calm. Within this silence, the primal power brings me to magnificent connection. I enter into relationship with nature, the sacred, and, well, everyone. 

Mother Earth, Gaia, offers so many opportunities to enjoy her splendor — to invite me to explore relationship with each calls to move to her rhythm. That’s it! Nature provides  so many ways to be come out of my shell and just be. To feel the joy of the scampering squirrels. And to share that joy with others. 

Vanessa Hurst is the author of Imperfect in an Uncertain World filled with resources for you to live with magical conviction. As an intuitive catalyst/spiritual director, she guides individuals in recognizing and responding to their intuition. Curious? Schedule an intuitive conversation.  

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

A Magic Iridescence in the Air

There is a magic, an iridescence in the air. It invites us to surge past worries, anxieties, fears into a land of hope where the possibilities of our dreams and desires rest. What is this magic? How do we get it? Well, I have a secret. I have to confess. We already have it. That magic rests within us — it’s rooted deeply in our core and blossoms with our courage, confidence, creativity, and conviction. 


I don’t know about you, but countless times I have convinced myself that I couldn’t apply for that job — I wasn’t qualified. Or, I couldn’t offer my services — imposter syndrome, anyone? These are just the tips of my fears. But, those times that I called upon my courage and submitted the application, I often got an interview. Maybe I didn’t always get the job, but I got the interview! When I submitted the program idea, I often presented the program. You know what happened? It buoyed my confidence. 


Sometimes we are so busy convincing our self what we can’t to that energy of can-do is deflated. An amazing thing happens when we have the courage to try. We begin to understand how capable we are . We own our skills and abilities. We become conscious of our power and celebrate the unique wonder of who we are. We push the boundaries past our perceived limitations and find ourself in the realm of creative.


We do not have to be an artist in a conventional sense to be creative. One who uses their imagination and abilities to produce something unique is an artist. What you create is a reflection of your core. Share it with the world. When you do, your creative spirit bursts forth in ways that intensify that magic, the iridescence in your life. 

Conviction — yeah. Without conviction you would not have the courage, the confidence, the creativity to show up as you. If you have’t realized it yet, that is the magic — being your imperfect self in an uncertain world.

Here’s to the beauty of your spirit shining through each courageous act, every confident moment, and every creative sharing. Here’s to living with conviction that you are who the world has been waiting for. 

Vanessa Hurst is the author of Imperfect in an Uncertain World filled with resources for you to live with magical conviction. As an intuitive catalyst/spiritual director, she guides individuals in recognizing and responding to their intuition. Curious? Schedule an intuitive conversation.