Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Light that Bears Witness in the Dark

2020 seems decades old instead of a mere five months. So much has happened. Events continue to spiral out of control. As I remind myself that out of chaos comes new, I wonder what that new will be. Then, I realize that within whatever the collective is birthing, I am called to be an active participant-witness in a world increasingly uncertain. 

I know that I must be a light that bears witness in the dark. Some will tell you that I have an exaggerated sense of right and wrong. In certain circumstances, for me, there is little or no gray between the two. I used to feel shame, guilt, over how I was wired. I am gradually letting those emotions go as I answer the question, “How can I bear witness if I do not have the courage to stand in my power?” Perhaps you can ask this question of yourself.

Because, really, no matter where we find our self, it is time to survey the land. Now is the time to bear witness on our own imperfections  — to stand witness to the collective imperfections that drag us into the abyss of hatred, isolation, and suffering. This witnessing begins by owning our own dark not to excuse our behavior or to justify the behavior of others because, well, we are dark, too. We change our self and demand that others change themselves. Through this transformation we become a welcoming community that stands against the uncertainty of the world. 

In my better moments, I own my bodhichitta heart. As a bodhisattva, I share the compassion flowing from that heart. In those moments of compassion, I aspire to alleviate suffering. In other moments, no matter how I react, I find a way back to my bodhichitta heart. I do not give up for I believe the path through this darkness is littered with morsels of compassion. These lure me to a place where my humanity shines anew.

How do I, do you, do we act from a compassionate heart?

Stand up: be compassion — act from not only her soft side but be the sharp edge of her sword that cuts through the illusion and holds bringers of suffering accountable for actions that cause hurt and harm. Love gently. Live fiercely.

Speak out: let compassion flow from your thoughts, your words, your actions. Share your compassionate heart with all. Be the unwavering light that shines so brightly that the suffering explodes into starbursts of healing. Be the spirit wind that heals a suffering world. 

Leave your comfort zone: bear witness, dance on the edge of chaos while vowing to be courageously true to who you are. Be compassion no matter how the chaos presents. This is it. No matter what your soul purpose, bearing witness in this time is integral to being exactly who you are meant to be.  

*bodhichitta: the desire to be awakened to the suffering of the work and to have empathy and compassion for all sentient beings.
** bodhisattva: a person who desires to share compassion with the world. 

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive, Coach, Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa  (vanessa@intentandaction.com) for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2020 

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