Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Navigating through the Transition Time: Imperfect in an Uncertain World

As the world slowly settles into this new normal, have you asked yourself about the impact on yourself of this transition time? How is your body, mind, spirit, and heart (emotions) managing all the uncertainty? Maybe things have shifted so subtly that you haven’t notices or perhaps there have been symptoms and signs you can no longer ignore. 

No matter what, this transition time has left a mark on each of us. They may manifest in our body, our mind, our heart (emotions), or our spirit. The symptoms and signs present themselves uniquely in each of us. What have you noticed? 

Mentally: Has your Ladder of Inference got a workout? (The Ladder of Inference is how our beliefs power our assumptions and judgments. The result is our responses and reactions.) Mine has. I have noticed more and more how my beliefs inform my judgments and assumptions and the ways that they manifest in my actions. I have had some uncomfortable but enlightening conversations with myself. My beliefs have shifted as I open myself to the views and beliefs of others.

Emotionally: During this time of transition what is your emotional state? Mine seems to have been scattered to the four corners of my being. This uncertainty is hard on the emotional life. For with uncertainty comes fears. Identify the fears is necessary to release paralysis. Reframing is vital to navigating the uncertainty. To reframe: Find the good, the beneficial, in any situation. Doing this gives each of us the power to try anew again and again and again until the fear no longer paralyzes us.

Spiritually: How do we make sense of what is happening? So much raw emotions is percolating and often boils over. I wonder how we can find our way into a world where the Golden Rule is the only response. To create a world that is governed by the Golden Rule, we return to our self. Internal transformation is the only birther of external change. This is a time for us to live from our beliefs — share our core message and invite others to share theirs. 

Physically: If we have ignored the messages from our first three aspects, they converge and speak from the physical. It is difficult to ignore the mental, emotional, and spiritual murmurs that become physical shouts. There is a lot of heavy weight in this world that targets the physical. That realization came when little aches became big, and I admitted that I was not handling the uncertainty as well as I thought. 

I dialogued with the first three aspects to identify what was happening. Only when I had this open, honest conversation with myself, could I consciously and intentionally name the fears and reframe where I am. This gave me the power to navigate through this time of transition. I didn’t have to know where I was going; I needed to be aware of what was unsettling me along the path and be open to the next step.

We are holistic beings. Our body, mind, spirit, and heart speak to us in every moment. They alert us to the potential of imbalance. By living with awareness, we acknowledge the little and big ways that we are impacted. Each aspect empowers us to minimize anything detrimental and accentuate the best in each of us. Because #inthistogether begins by keeping one’s self together. 

 Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive, Coach, Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa  (vanessa@intentandaction.com) for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2020


  1. Thanks Vanessa, I am sharing. . .Always beautiful writing!

    1. thank you, Carol. I hope that you are well and enjoying the beginning of summer!
