Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Energy of Fear: Power vs. Force

I know that you are scared, so am I. We cannot give in to the force of our fear. To do so is to cause minute cracks in our being. Unchecked the force of fear can overwhelm us, shattering us into shards. But, there is a power in our fear that cannot be denied. That power must be harvested with courage for real change to occur. 

Power. Force. Let’s star with definitions based upon the words of Mirriam-Webster:
    • Power — the ability to act or produce an effect; mental or moral efficacy; to give impetus to
    • Force — compulsion or constraint acted in such a way to do violence; to break open

Let’s tweak the definitions:
    • Power is a response that wells from the core of who you are. It is a shout from our authentic self that echoes our courageous self. 
    • Force is an overwhelming reaction that fills us with an inability to move through illusion and doubt. Unchecked it shatters us into shards.

It is key to harness the power of your fear so to minimize its destructive force. This begins with acknowledgement of how fear is speaking through your body, mind, and emotions. Name how it is stressfully impacting your body. While you may not fully understand the depth of fear, you can acknowledge its voice. To acknowledge the voice is to reduce the intensity of fear’s symptoms.

Next, be aware of your propensity to respond or react. Name how you use the power of courage to respond. Identify how you get tangled in the force of your fear. Don’t despair when you react. Remind yourself that fear based reaction is a natural byproduct of living. We get scared every day. Sometimes it is so small that we don’t even notice our fear or the subsequent reaction.

Have compassion when you get twisted in fear. To shame yourself is to drive fear deeper into the well of your being. Recognize that you are human. Know that without fear you would not birth courageous response. Celebrate each moment that you harness the courageous power of fear. 

There is no fear without the opportunity for courage. Courage speaks through moments of fear. It gives you the impetus to move through a challenging time into your true self. Start by having a conversation with courage. No matter how quiet, how timid its voice, listen to the words of courage. Decide how, with courage’s guidance, you can kindle the flame of your power. The gesture does not have to be grand; any spark of courage is enough. 

Respond with your power. This can be as simple as a mindfulness practice of breathing through your fear or it can be having a difficult conversation with someone. It can be an act that takes you out of your comfort zone. A courageous response can be present in an infinite number of actions. It may be grand or humble. No matter how you express it, your actions echo with the power of who you are. 

Fear is uncomfortable, inevitable, powerful. It is a wake up call to continue the great quest of soul. Will it wake the tangling of fear vines that cause minute cracks in your being or will it propel you to the heights of your true self? Only you can know that answer and respond with courage and compassion. 

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive, Coach, Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa  (vanessa@intentandaction.com) for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs. 

Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2020

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