Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Compassion of Just For Today

Just for today. Have you ever lived those words knowing that in an instant the world could changes? Those three words have helped me immensely through the course of my life. They are nuggets of gold liberally sprinkled on the path of life purpose.

In the 20+ years that I have been a Reiki Master, those words have provided a source of inspiration and compassion. They have called me to seek to understand, to no longer live my life in 24-hour blocks of time, to fully be present in the moment. 

Just for today strips the veneer from life. It requires us to ask, “How am I feeling today, in this moment?” And, it demands that we answer that questions honestly. Maybe we truly are feeling great. But, perhaps we are in the grip of some malady — sad with our circumstance, angry over a perceived slight, frustrated at how we believe others are treating us. The list of maladies seems endless. 

When we live from this maxim, we cannot get caught in the emotion underlying our malady. For, “just for today” speaks of the impermanence of life. What is happening in this moment is fleeting unless we grasp onto it with both hands and refuse to let go. Just for today reminds us to let go and enjoy life.

Mindful of our life catalysts, we are better able to identify what triggers reactions and what brings peace. We no longer keep a running tally of the number of times we slip into reaction versus the times we respond with compassion. Life is no longer about winning when we render the triggers benign through our response or losing when a catalyst creates a wildfire of reaction obliterating any hope of response.

No, just for today requires that we live in the moment — that we stop ruminating on the past or focusing on the future. To have a foot in either reality would ensure that we get trapped in reaction. When we live in the moment, we recognize any challenge and respond with love and compassion. That is all that is required. That is enough.

You may be wondering, “How do I live in the moment?” With five simple principles (taken from Reiki training): 

Curious to learn more? Sign up for my mailing list and receive details on living the five principles. (You need not have Reiki training to live with these principles.) 

Wishing you many moments of living, “just for today.”  

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is a life coach using the Neural Synchrony™ process, professional speaker, and author who weaves her inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are Imperfect in an Uncertain World, A Constellation of Connections: Contemplative Relationships, and Engaging Compassion Through Intent & Action. Vanessa intuitively assists clients in navigating their life paths. Contact Vanessa @ vanessa@intentandaction.com for keynotes, programs, and consultations. 

Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2019

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