Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Reflected Compassion in the Mirror of Life

Have you ever looked at yourself? Really looked beyond  what is reflected in the mirror of your life and see, with all your senses, who you are and how your spark flares from deep within?

We all have an image of who we want to be. We can identify the many ways that we are that person. Perhaps that is the part of us that shows up as loving, gentle, and compassionate. But, some times we do not have the energy to show up as our true self. Our energy is leached by some unknown catalyst. It is all we can do to show up as much less than our authentic self. We show up in some  degree of reaction mode. 

Those shadow moments might fill us with despair. We wonder how can we stoke the fire of authenticity when we do not even have the energy to find kindling. How do we reenergize when our connection to our core feels frayed? We take time for our self. This is not the time of an extra nap, decadent romance novel reading, or another morsel of chocolate. No, this is time of reflection and introspection. 

During reflection and introspection we dialogue with our self. Maybe we listen to our internal monologue, journal, take labyrinth walk, meditate — we do whatever mends the connection to our core.We heal the frayed, tattered threads connecting us to our true self. Powered by our true self, we notice what is depleting us and name its internal and external components.

Perhaps we want to believe that what depleted us is out there; that we had no control over our energy drain. We discount how we got caught by the trigger — if only the other person hadn’t said this or if only the circumstances had been different. But, to ignore our reaction is to negate that burst of reaction-energy that depletes our body, mind, spirit, and heart. These depletions manifest as being physically tired, unable to focus mentally, frustrated, anxious, feel disconnected to our core. These are not symptoms of failure. They are opportunities to understand and grow.

Understanding how we get depleted is the beginning of change. We use this learning to make other choices. And, those choices plug the leaks of our energy. As we recharge, we gain the power of awareness. Only when our energy is directed to our true self can we look into our mirror and see the reflection of our true self smiling powerfully back at us.   

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is a Life Coach through Intuitive Connection, professional speaker, and author who weaves her inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available through www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa @ vanessa@intentandaction.com for life coaching, keynotes, programs, and consultations.

Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2019

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