Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Spring, The Stream, And The Stump

Smack dab in the middle of Somewhere, Kentucky is a retreat center named Bethany Spring.  Nestled in the far back corner of the property is an actual spring.  Most days you can hear and see a clear trickle of fresh water flowing from a broken stump of tree. The hidden spring, the trickle, and even the broken stump remind me of me.

As I reflect upon that slow trick of water, I think about the spring deep within each of us.  It is the holder of our essence, our creativity, our inner knowing…our reason of being.  When we are quiet, we follow the trickle back to our essence, our spring.  Here we recharge while resting in the quiet.

Once recharged, we reenter the stream and swim from our place of being into our place of doing.  This connection between the spring and the stream, our being and doing, our intent and action creates our lived experience.  The sustenance found within the stream shapes our actions.  In return, our actions shape who we are at the source.

If that gnarled stump could talk, what a story she would tell! Each life lesson is proudly displayed in each knob, each twist, and each unevenness.  With no cosmetic enhancements, she lives.  The spring, the stream, and even the stump reflect the beauty created by courageously and daringly meeting each challenge not because we have to but because we wouldn’t live any other way.

How does your stream reflect your spring? What stories could your stump tell?

Wishing you the joy of connecting with your spring, stream, and gnarled stump!


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