Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Fierce Magic

Each time I walked this week the world became more and more alive. With each turn around the building I saw something new. The world was alive, wild, and free. It woke up something inside of me. The newness called me to move through the uncertainty and enter the fierce beauty of the margins. 

Nature reminded me that life is fluid and dynamic. I heard its whisper, “What will you choose?” In that moment on the margins I chose to be fiercely, unapologetically me. That is, I chose to live from my core.

Let’s return to that thickness I felt. It seems that the world is atilt. Can you feel it? Standing in the center of the tumult just makes me dizzy! When I stand in the margins of this tilt-a-whirl world, I can feel the freshness zipping by me. Hope blossoms as I edge more fully into the margins. 

There is a comfort in the wild. I can hear the feral invitation to see the world not as the scary, uncertain place but as a new paradigm. I am called to be in the world with a new perspective — a place where the possible becomes real.

The margins are the place where truth calls, where courage sings, and beauty touches every aspect of life. How do you get there? By letting go of the fear of uncertainty. Enter the margins by anchoring into your core. 

Try this: begin by breathing into your core. If you are unsure where your core is located, ask to be shown the flickering spark. Follow the breath to your spark. At the core, your breath ignites the spark sending out tendrils of your being toward the sky and into the ground. 

These tendrils travel deeply into the earth. Your roots connect you to Mother Earth. Once connected, bring this twining energy up to your core. See yourself become a tree. 

Feel the tendrils moving up from your core creating a canopy of self that brushes against the Source above. Through Earth and Sky and Self notice the many ways the Sacred calls to you. Find rhythm in your connection to sacred.

Connected to sacred, step out of your comfort zone. Do something different — even if it is just a thought — be in a place that makes you uneasy. Find comfort in the unknowing. I know that this is scary hard, but it is the path to growth and change. 

Ask yourself — what am I seeing? What am I hearing? What am I sensing? How am I called to be in the margins? How will I make a difference in myself? In changing myself, how do I change the world?   

Realize that you do not have to answer all these questions in the moment. They are answered in your way, in your time.

I know that life is uncertain, sometimes scary. Join me in the margins to discover the courage, the strength, the fierce magic that is you. 

Van Hurst, ms, is an intuitive-coach-catalyst. As a contemplative coach, she uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for navigating the mundane and extraordinary. The result of time with Van? Creating a blueprint for your life through a deeper connection to your intuition and contemplative nature. 

Van is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Her most recent book, As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive, is available on Amazon. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook / Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2022

1 comment:

  1. Thank You Vanessa! Your words are inspiring! Changing the world is
    impossible, but changing our consciousness, living in the margins,
    connecting to the sacred, doing something different, all kinda scary
    but all are places of fierce magic in a world alive.
