Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Are We There Yet?

Have you ever taken a longish journey with a child? Before setting out, you put stuff  every distraction imaginable into the backseat with them. Then, you cruise along dreading the inevitable. Waiting to hear those four words: “Are we there yet?” 

If you are like me at this point in 2020, you feel like that small child wondering if we will every put this year behind us and get to the destination — 2021. You may even be hopeful and excited about what the new year will bring. I know that I am. But, there have been silver linings in 2020. It has been filled with lots of intuitive messages and plenty of distractions. I still cannot wait to stretch my legs into the hope that 2021 brings. 

Again, if you are like me, that last stretch of the journey is what proves most daunting. I am fatigued. Most of my friends, colleagues, and clients are too. I find myself wondering if I can muster the strength, the energy, the hope to make it through these last waning weeks. Then I remind myself that the journey is undertaken mile ma
rker by mile marker. Mindfulness techniques, contemplative practice, and intuitive understanding pave the way through this waning year into the waxing next. The key? Living in awareness in order to recognize the impact of each moment.

How do we pave the path with mindfulness techniques, contemplative practice, and intuitive understanding? 

  • Mindfulness techniques: my go-to technique is focusing on my breath. Through it, I settle into the moment thus increasing my awareness of this stretch of the road. I connect more fully to my body, hear my thoughts, attend to the impact of my emotions. My breath forges a path where my contemplative spirit flourishes.
  • Contemplative practice: for me, there is a blurred area between mindfulness techniques and contemplative practice. When I am contemplative, I focus on the moment. I intentionally travel the final stretch of 2020 attuned to what is occurring. With this awareness, I use my energy wisely and respond. 
  • Intuitive understanding: when I am contemplative, the world comes alive in extraordinary ways. I truly experience each step holistically — with my body, mind, spirit, and heart. My senses come alive with the voices of intuition. In the moment, I use these messages to navigate the gateway between now and then.

We need not trudge this last stretch of 2020 exhausted and fearful. Instead, we can mindfully, contemplatively, intuitively journey through our interactions with the internal and external worlds. With this triad of mindfulness, contemplation, and intuition we navigate through the uncertainty and respond to the world. While we might not be “there yet,” we are enjoying the journey through this waning year.


Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive-Coach-Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Her most recent book, As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive, is available on Amazon. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook @fyrserpent / ©2020

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