Tuesday, September 29, 2020

A Time of Rubber Bands & Bubble Gum

Sometimes it feels that my life is held together by brittle bubble gum and stretched-out rubber bands. 2020 has been a year; it is a true example of our challenges screaming at us even when we have identified them and are responding. Within the seemingly constant tumult, I find myself wondering if I have the courage and the strength to navigate through the increasing chaos to a place of peace. 

As long as I take this journey mindfully, step by step, I believe that I do. I believe that you do, too. Because life is truly lived in those little moments. Sure, we can ride on the energy of the big stuff — a new job, a new relationship, the birth of a child. The energy that flows from them is a brief energizer of our life. Soon enough these uplifting feelings diminish. Energy depleted, we find our self exactly where we were before the energy burst. 

When we are aware in the mundane moments, our eyes are intuitively drawn to the extraordinary. By extraordinary, I mean those things and situations from which our intuition speaks. These may present as a message of hope, a message of direction, or a message that reminds us to breathe. The extraordinary reflects the sacred manifest in our self, others, and all of creation.

An amazing thing happens when we focus on our breath. We hear the messages hidden within our body — the tensions, the relaxed, the memories that surface through movement. We feel as our breath interacts with these messages empowering us to formulate a response. For example, when I focus on my breath, I feel muscles releasing and thoughts clearing. My intuition gently wafts to the surface nudging me to listen, understand, and respond.

I might not be able to change all of the uncertainty in my world. I can only identify that one more thing that threatens to break my fatigued rubber band and shatter that brittle chewing gum. This identification is the beginning of taking care of myself. In my self care I gain the strength to be the beauty of who I am regardless of the forces that would ask me to be ugly.

So, sometimes life feels like it is held together by brittle bubble gum and stretched too thin rubber bands, but by focusing on my breath, I am the calm that releases fatigued hopelessness and brings a new day. And,  you, too, can be that calm. 

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive-Coach-Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa  (vanessa@intentandaction.com) for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

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