Tuesday, September 22, 2020

A Refractive Reflection

Life is a kaleidoscope of colors; a never-ending growing into our self. On this nonlinear journey, we discover time and time again that we don’t have everything figured out. Life is in the figuring not in the out. For the out is the end of this journey; a respite before we begin the next. But, we have many twists and turns and joyous shouts before that occurs. 

Our kaleidoscope refracts creating a new vision of the challenges and possibilities in our life. Through this shift we view a never-ending display of possible colors shapes. Reflecting upon what is revealed means listening with all of our senses to intuition wafting up from our core. That voice provides a wealth of information that can only be discerned by being nonattached to the message and being nonjudgmental about the information itself. 

Once our connection to intuition is recognized, how do we strengthen this connection? By being nonattached and nonjudgmental. This is HARD! So, I recommend beginning with a big dose of self-compassion. Recognize that you are not always going to interpret your intuition accurately or even hear what it saids. Be gentle, be kind with yourself as you connect more fully to your intuition. Self-compassion reduces performance anxiety while increasing your intuitive awareness.

Then listen to the voice of your intuition. Is there something that is just a step out of the ordinary? Perhaps the intuitive clue is easily identified. Begin with whatever you notice. Breathe deep. Connect with your inner calm. Then with curiosity and without expectation, follow the thread of your intuition to wherever it leads. 

Here is an example: early this morning, 3:30-ish or so, I was awaken by a doorbell. Now my home doesn’t have a doorbell. But the sound was insistent enough that it woke me up. I listened as it faded away. I wasn’t sure what to make of it. I felt no fear. Just a knowing that something was attempting to grab my attention. Although I could not decipher the message in that moment, I knew that I would later.

I often process my intuition, enter into refractive reflection, when moving. As I walked later this morning, I reflected upon the message of the doorbell. As I followed the refracting kaleidoscope, I recognized that I didn’t need to struggle. I could stop trying so hard. The ground work for my next great adventure is laid. I needed to continue on the path for something was coming to me. That was the message in the ringing of the doorbell.

We engage in refractive reflection more often than we realize. Sometimes those moments are truly brief and spontaneous. Other times, like my morning walk, we intentionally set the stage to decipher the message. However we decipher the message, we do so by listening to our intuition and following its guidance. 

This sounds simple, right? Well, not necessarily. That is where the self compassion comes in. There are times that we do not understand or even misinterpret this guidance. We may be just too caught in the bending light as our life kaleidoscope shifts. That is perfectly okay. A fortune cookie once reminded me that “we learn more from our failures than from our successes.” That is a truth I chuckle about over and over again. 

Refractive reflection is a willingness to actively and curiously engage whatever we find in our life. We quietly listen to the message in whatever we find. It is a call to courageousness; to willingly enter our life adventure over and over again as we discover exactly where we are meant to be. 

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive-Coach-Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa  (vanessa@intentandaction.com) for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

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