Tuesday, December 3, 2019

On Being an Artisan of Joy

I have a part time retail gig. I am a people watcher. During this season that can be a potent combination that triggers both reflection and introspection as I look at faces and engage guests in conversation. I listen, I watch, but mostly I reflect upon what I see and hear — who brings a joyful spirit to the experience and whose face is lined with shopping stress.

We can live with joy or subsist on stress in our approach to life. Some people are cheerful and optimistic. Others are methodically realistic while weighing the odds. I think most of us ping between these two poles. Most often we find our self somewhere in the middle.

How can we be artisans of joy this season and beyond? The answer is simple — by being mindfully real about the day. When I am in the moment, I am more likely to identify the little joys and recognize life’s bumps and boulders. I can choose to carefully navigate those bumps and borders instead of getting stuck in them.

When I am mindful, I feel the inflammation of aggravation edging me closer to the trigger. When this happens, I focus on my breath. With each breath, I acknowledge the underlying irritation. I breathe into the rising reaction to discover what hides within it. Each breath rubs away the rough edges until all that remains in its core of fear. With compassion I befriend this fear, loving it into peace.

While I may not be able to resolve the issue, I can find peace within myself. Within my sacred calm, the exterior world no longer triggers internal upheaval. I am twined by peace. Along this ribbon of peace slides joy.  I am more creative, more compassionate in my responses.

We can paint with bold strokes of joy regardless of where we find our self or we can choose spindly spikes of aggravation in this moments of reaction. Mindfully we choose. This season I hope you find your self painting the world with the bold vivid strokes of joy. 

 Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive, Coach, Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa  (vanessa@intentandaction.com) for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2019 

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