Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Accepting The Truth: A Practice of Self Compassion

Illusions are tricky things. Sometimes they create an image of  success without a strategic roadmap to follow. These illusions foster a false sense of security. Other illusions are built upon our fears and perceived failures. These illusions are cracks in the foundation of our hope. Both create potholes in the path of living our soul purpose. To reconnect to our soul purpose, we must enter the shadows and confront our illusions.

Stepping into the shadows and confronting our illusions are scary propositions. One single step might as well be a thousand miles for all the fear we have heaped upon the thought of acting. Adding layer upon layer of angst ridden assumptions and judgments, we can scarcely recognize the truth in the illusion. Yes, truth is at the base of every illusion. Each grows from a tiny seed of truth cracked open by our fears and nourished by our despair.

That truth can be as innocuous as not getting a coveted job or not articulating your truth in a way that is understood by others. Both are based in truth — you didn’t get the job; you weren’t understood. Fact — but, an illusion of failure is in no way representative of the truth at the foundations of the facts. There are so many factors that contribute to this truth. Letting go of the illusion, we are given the space to rewrite our truth. The first step is to stop being so hard on yourself. 

Both of these examples have happened to me. The interview for a coveted job ended abruptly. To this day I am not quite sure why. I can make assumptions, but I never received the requested feedback from the organization to truly understand why. It took me months to heal that festering illusion of failure. When I finally stepped into the shadow, I recognized that I might never know the why. What I did recognize is that there are a better, more compassionate ways than ghosting to say, “No, thank you. You are not right for this job.”

Misunderstandings during conversations happen more often than we realize. I have been caught on both sides of that equation. It takes intentional listening and compassionate response to surge past the illusion of misunderstanding to gain clarification. To reach clarity, we step courageously into the shadows and ask the curiously daring questions for which we fear the answers.

Our world is filled with so much truth that often hides in the shadows. That truth has the potential to clear away illusions so that we trust what we and trust our self. It takes courage to stop spending our time fearing the shadows and their growing illusions so that we can take a step into the shadows and use our spark to light our way to truth. 

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is a Intuitive Coach, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create effective strategies for transformation. She is a professional speaker and author who weaves her inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa @ vanessa@intentandaction.com for life coaching, keynotes, programs, and intuitive consultations.

Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2019

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