Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Enough & the Territory of Dangerous Expectations

If you follow my blog, and I hope you do, I you might  notice I write about the power of enough. Maybe you have read The Compassion of Enough+. If you haven’t, maybe you’ve learned a powerful lesson of doing too much or having enough of a situation. Maybe you live simply and know the rhythm of enough in your life. Or, maybe you are just curious about what enough means for you.

Enough is a powerful lesson to use and then live. I am the person who goes the extra mile, sometimes on tread bare tires. That’s who I am; how I am wired. Not too long ago I realized that my enough was too much and not enough at the same time. I was caught between continuing on the path toward fatigue and stopping to reflect and discern. Going that extra mile landed me in the territory of dangerous expectations — mine and others. 

My philosophy is that no matter what the situation or the compensation, I show up as my best self determined to do any job to the best of my abilities. The desire to be enough often unbalances me. Out of balance, I push myself into the territory of dangerous expectations. It happened recently. I expected that sharing a mistake that I had found would lead to gratitude and a quick resolution. I was wrong. 

My desire to be enough; to do enough was met with aggravation and irritation. I didn’t like the jagged feelings that rolled over with me. I got upset. And, then as calm rolled over me, a voice whispered, “When  will you learn? When will enough be enough for you?” Well, I decided maybe I had reached that point. To be sure, I re-evaluated how enough powered by true, authentic core. 

 I asked myself (and perhaps you can ask yourself these questions as well): 
    • What were my true responsibilities in this situations? How did I overstep them?
    • What were the roots of that led me beyond enough into the territory of dangerous expectations?
    • What imperfections of mine were my actions feeding?
    • In retrospect, what was enough in this situation asking of me?
Four simple yet really tough question that, when answered with truth, empower me to create strategies to live with the power of enough. These questions can help each of us find the way back from the territory of dangerous expectations into our authentic self. And, help us circumvent this desolate space again.

When have you crossed the boundaries of enough and entered into the territory of dangerous expectations? How  did you make the return journey to your authentic self? Let me know!

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is a Life Coach through Intuitive Connection, professional speaker, and author who weaves her inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa @ vanessa@intentandaction.com for life coaching, keynotes, programs, and intuitive consultations.

Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2019

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