Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Compassion Asks, “What Do We Really Need?”

Let’s reframe “how much do we really need?” to “what do we really need?” Or, how do we live a truly abundant life that has little to do with the size of our bank account and everything to do with the size of our heart?

To answer these questions, we remember that we are body, mind, spirit, and heart. To truly live in abundant simplicity, we engage the rhythm of living in the physical realm, listen to the roots of our thoughts, embrace the wild passion in our emotions, and understand life’s unfolding through our connection to all. 

Body. This is perhaps the simplest yet the most difficult aspect to address. There is so much stuff in the world; so many shiny things that tempt us until self imposed clutter overwhelms us. Bit by bit, we seek ways to live simpler while asking, “Do I really need this?” before bringing home another thing or giving away what we have.  

Mind. Of course, it is inevitable that we clutter our physical life. Instead of shaming, getting frustrated, or being angry, we listen to the rant of our internal monologue without reacting to it. We rescript the words to be gentler, kinder, to our self and others. We listen for the words that create scarcity driven by harm, hurt, and suffering. Changing our internal monologue creates a new avenue of responding to the world.

Heart. We feel emotions and identify those that raise us up and those that harm us — the fears, anger, angst, sorrow, and depression. We feel but do not allow our self to be caught in their trap. We dig deep within us to find a spark of compassion. Blowing gently on this spark it flares up incinerating the hurtful emotions through acts of self compassion.

Spirit. We are connected to every person, each part of creation through the sacred thread of self. Compassion flows upon these connections touching sacred in all. Within our spirit is the unifying power of our four aspects. But, compassion is greater than that — it nurtures an abundant community where there is plenty for all.

What you need, what I need, what we need collectively, is fluid and shifting. It is never scarcity creating; it is always abundance growing. To discover our needs, we look deep into our heart, discover with our mind, connect with our spirit, and live our choices through our body. The simplest yet most difficult path to abundance. 

May each of us honestly discern our simple abundance and live with joy. 

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is a Neural Synchrony™ facilitator, professional speaker, and author who weaves her inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are A Constellation of Connections: Contemplative Relationships and Engaging Compassion Through Intent & Action. Vanessa assists clients in navigating their life paths with intuition. Contact Vanessa @ vanessa@intentandaction.com for keynotes, programs, and consultations.

Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2018

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