Wednesday, July 20, 2016

From Spark to Spiral: Compassionate Presence

About fifteen years ago, I was more of a head person.  Those scant inches between my head and my heart were most difficult to traverse.  I was not even aware that I needed to navigate from mind to heart.  And, I have discovered that I was not alone in this inability. 

At some point, I began to clear the overgrown path between these two points.  It felt like clearing a path through the Amazon jungle — the place between my head and heart was filled with vast potential for healing.  In my unawareness, I was unable to ascertain what was healing and what was hurting.  My challenges became like healing plants from the Amazon — with the potential to soothe, repair, and energize my heart to head connection.

One day, in the moment, I stood looking out upon the vista of my life.  There I saw the most beautiful rose quartz color welcoming me.  As the color flowed toward me, I was surrounded by Compassion’s warm, gentle embrace.  (Ever since the color of rose quartz has signified compassion.)  Suffused with this healing energy, the strong desire to be a message of compassion to myself and the world was sparked.  When in the present moment, I am vessel of compassionate presence.  Through this awareness my spark of compassion is able to flood into the world. 

How can we become a spark and spiral of compassion?  Try this:

Sit quietly for a couple of moments…focus on your breathing…Relax your body…just breathe…don’t shift your breath…just allow it to be…allow your breath to flow to the place where your divine spark resides…feel it blow gently on the ember…watch it light…as it flares compassion moves from the spark throughout your body…as you inhale, feel a bubble begin to inflate around you…feel the grace of compassion permeating your being…peace fills you…as you breathe, inhale the power of forgiveness… be filled with the wisdom to choose your thoughts, words, and actions…feel the energy of compassion fill you…feel compassion turn toward you and flow outward…notice the strand that twists and turns and spirals within your energy…watch as the spiral moves out of your bubble and touches others…perhaps your spiral twines with those of others and become a stronger force…intend your compassion flows out of this place…farther and farther away…being compassionate presence without the need to know.

Not knowing where the compassion flows, we feed our spark through our connection to the Sacred and through our self compassion.  We share compassion with our self and others.  And, the world is a better place. 

Wishing you the spark of compassion within and the spiral of compassion without,


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