Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Become a Warrior of Awareness

Skills Required: Courage and the ability to act with curious daring.  Any level of skill accepted. 

Being a Warrior of Awareness is most definitely not for the faint at heart.  Navigating the pitfalls of distractions, nimbly avoiding reacting, interacting with compassionate response create this warrior’s way. 

With the stance of an objective observer, the Warrior of Awareness moves from present moment to present moment.  With the grace of a Tai Chi master, the warrior practices Wu Wei moving with the flow of life.  Wu Wei requires the integration of the 4nons: nonattachment, non-judgment, non-defensiveness, and nonviolence. 

The desire to cling to something or to shove it away is part of the human condition.  With high emotions, we form attachments.  In an effort to hold on to something or push it away, we become trapped in an endless cycle.  We become fatigued.  Practicing nonattachment, we move into a rest position.  The cycle collapses; we gain clarity.  We not only see the path but also understand the steps we must take to remain in the rhythm of Wu Wei.

Nonattached we clearly see how our judgments and defenses trigger reactionary behavior.  Accepting these shadow parts of self is a lesson in humility.  With humility comes our ability to notice our judgments but not allow our actions and words to mirror them.  Our judgments become manageable illusions.  

Illusions no longer drive our actions.  We move from reaction to response.  The grip of fear loosens.  No longer mired in fear, courage rises.  We see possibilities and act with curious daring.  Our urge to defend our self is minimized.  Nonattached, nonjudgmental, and non-defensive, we move within the flow of our life.  With clarity we identify the cues.  Wu Wei.

A natural outcome of living the first 3non is the fourth, nonviolence.  For a moment, enter into that space where you are not stuck in the push and pull of attachment, where you recognize your judgments and assumption but do not allow them to propel you into reactions. Take several breaths.  How do you feel in this place?  Allow the energy to wash over you, healing you.  Accept that violence has no place as you rest in the healing grace of Wu Wei.

Using the 4nons and dancing in Wu Wei with curious daring and courage — that is the Way of the Warrior of Awareness.


Vanessa is an Intuitive, Community Builder, and Compassionista, and Author of Engaging Compassion Through Intent & Action

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