Thursday, February 4, 2016

Climbing Out of the Abyss of No Response

January passed in a whirlwind of emails and phone calls for me.  This week as I reviewed the list of those I had contacted, the number of emails that fell into the abyss of no response was disappointing.

I believe in the power of the compassionate no.  For you see, over the past year or so, my attitude about receiving a no answer to my request has shifted.  I’d rather have someone tell me no, well, because then I will know.  The compassion behind the no impels me to soldier on to find a welcoming yes.

No.  Those two letters, one short syllable has the ability to open our potential.  But, we often give that word more power than it really has.  With that utterance, we believe that we control the possibility of another; that our “no” will dash someone’s hopes and dreams.  Does “no” shut of the door of potential, of possibility?  

To answer this question, I turn to the murky area where compassion struggles to exist — that place where instead of being honest, we hedge; afraid that we will hurt someone’s feelings.  Compassion born of fear creates an illusion that in reality causes more suffering.  Within this fear-filled, murky place lies the power of authentic compassion.   A compassionately responded no has the potential to set another on a truer path.

When we ignore a request, it falls into the abyss of no response.  Even though the possibility of connection is gone, we just haven’t let the other know.  And, the other may be expecting the potential connection.  Their energy is still attached to something that will never happen.

In these moments of no response, we are perpetrating the illusion of possibility.  When we rise above the illusion by telling the other “no,” a moment of discomfort is unavoidable.  But, in that moment of honesty, we eradicate the illusion.  The other can turn their energy to manifesting the extraordinary in other avenues of their life.

As the days grow longer and the hope of spring teases us, let’s call upon our compassion as we use a simple word — not to close doors but to help another turn toward a different direction.  Through our compassion, the other and our self may just find the perfect place of possibility realized all through the power of a compassionate no.

Dancing out of the Abyss in to the Compassionate Power of No,


Vanessa is a Intuitive Healer, Community Builder, and Compassionista, and Author of Engaging Compassion Through Intent & Action

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