Friday, November 6, 2015

What if...

What if we woke up every morning believing in miracles?

What if we woke up every morning expecting miracles?

What if we woke up every morning agreeing to be vessels through which miracles happen?

A Facebook post encouraged me to “expect a miracle everyday.”  (Reminded me of the adage, “an apple a day…”)  This post nudged me to conduct an experiment in a very unscientific way sans controls or proper procedures, etc…yep, the Vanessa Way.

Over the past week or so, the experiment began most mornings when I awoke.  I sent my intent to live into the miracle unfolding in my life.  Of course, some days my intent was overrun by thoughts of have-to-dos.  On those days, at some point the whisper “miracle” welled up inside of me.  In those moments I stopped, focused on my breath, and affirmed the miracles swirling just outside of my sight/site.

Awareness focused on miracles, I discovered them falling around me like leaves.  Those miracles that gently fell on me or within my sight/site could not be ignored.  Others, like the smattering of leaves on my patio could only be seen when my attention was turned to them. 

Among the miracles of this week:
·      A friend who texted just to check in
·      A conversation with a new client
·      A beautiful, color filled sunrise
·      A 4 a.m. cuddle wake up by Jobi, my feline friend
·      A participant affirming my presentation
·      The miracles that connected me to my son, my nieces, my nephews

These were not the water-to-wine variety of miracles; rather, these were miracles that I discovered while peering beyond the veil that separates the mundane from the extraordinary.

Expect a miracle — it waits just beyond your sight/site



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