Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A Mystical, Magical Moment

As a young child growing up Catholic, celebration of Mass was mystical, magical experience. My earliest memories of those Masses were when I was three or four. Listening to the priest chant in Latin, I felt the energy of the words resonate in my spirit, my heart, my mind, and even in my body. I remember chanting the Latin prayers in tandem with the priest. 

During one of those times, one of my sisters, I am not sure which one, jabbed me in the side. I was jerked out of that magical, mystical, peace-filled space. Now, almost 50 years later, I still have a full body memory of that time. Even now the memory has the potential to push all of my senses into hyperawareness. I see, hear, smell, taste, and feel that experience.

Starhawk wrote in one of her books magic is the art of changing consciousness at will. The above memory is of a time that I was drawn unaware into the magic of the moment and then unceremoniously pulled into the mundane. It was only when I was not longer in the magic that I recognized the mystical, magical moment.

I ask myself how can I invite the mystical magic — the source of limitless possibility — into my mundane life? How can the mystical energy of magic shift me from the ordinary into the extraordinary? How can I regularly and intuitively shift my consciousness at will to this place of wonder?

Each time I step into nature, I listen with the ears of my heart. This multi-sensory way of experiencing necessitates that I am in the moment. I am fully awake, fully aware, and vibrantly alive. During my initial forays into nature, I would ask myself how I was experiencing with all of my senses the flight of a bird or the gentle sway of the flower in the breeze. Now, through practice, the full body listening has become an intuitive response when I am in nature.

Connecting with nature is easy; engaging with humans, not so much. There is a rhythm in nature that makes connection simple. The nature dance resonates with me, and I resonate with it. For me, the dance with humans is synthetic and has a plastic feel. In order to sense the magic and connect with the ordinary, I must dive below the synthetic and connect with the natural, the Sacred strand that is present in all. This connection is possible through my belief in each person’s mystical connection to others, the Sacred, and all of creation.

As I remember that time of magic so many years ago, I move within the dialogue of listening and speaking. I dance within the understanding that lies underneath the mundane and is present in the extraordinary world of mystical magic.

What magic reveals it self to you today? 



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