Tuesday, March 30, 2021

From Chaos to Celtic Knot

Do you ever feel the chaos in your world closing in on you? Maybe you feel a great big knot getting tighter and tighter. Your mind jumbles. You just can’t focus. Does this sound familiar? It does to me. 

Lately I have been thinking that maybe it isn’t chaos I am feeling. What if my reaction to a particularly difficult leg of my journey manifests as jumble? What if I just breathed through the feelings? What would I discover? 

So what led to my pondering? Earlier this week a client told me that her life was a chaotic mess. Using my intuition, I took a bird’s eye view of her life. What did I discover? Well, it wasn’t chaos. Instead of a tangled mess, I saw an intricate Celtic knot. This infinite loop didn’t have an ending or beginning. Instead, the path dipped and twirled as it wove through her life. Although it was amazingly beautiful, I could see how it felt, at times, chaotic to her.

What if we reframed the chaos into an uncertain loop of a Celtic knot? What if we viewed our lives as Celtic knots? Imagine an intricately woven, beautiful journey of twists and turns and loops and bends that is uniquely yours. Instead of being scared about what is just around the turn, you become curious about what lies ahead. After all, don’t you want to experience the weave of the knot? 

Life is mystery. We are never quite sure what the next moment holds. I don’t know about you, but I am curious and a bit daring. I am finding ways to courageously move more deeply into my Celtic knot. When fear threatens to tangle me, I remind myself that this is my journey so wherever, whenever, however I find ourself, I am home. And, that is big relief!

Can you accept this reframe from chaos to Celtic knot? If so, that means that whatever you name as chaos is just a part of your life waiting to be untangled. The narrow turns and stomach dropping dips aren’t leading you to a spooky place. The only destination in this Celtic knot is home to yourself. The great part? You learn who you are on this crazy ride on your life weave.

Those dips, bends, turns? Let’s call them challenges that show you what is stopping you from being who you truly are. You know, the authentic self…true self…just you! When you focus on the uncertainty, the messiness with the intent to learn, the chaos untangles. In that moment you understand the challenge and can choose how you move forward. 

Are you overwhelmed by this idea of a Celtic knot? This reframe may take some getting used to. To see life as an infinite twining is to be curious about what is in those tight, shadowy, unsettling spaces. It offers opportunity and potential. Opportunity to use the skills you have learned over a life time. Opportunity to compassionately meet your fears with courage. Opportunity to really become the person that you envision. And, I would bet, opportunity to discover that you aren’t so far away from that person you want to be. 

How do you travel the Celtic knot? Think about a challenging situation. Then answer the questions. 

  • How did the situation hook you? 
  • What have you learned about yourself in what hooks you? This can be a mishmash of both true and shadow. For example: you may discover that you have a compassionate spirit while being impatient. 
  • How can you integrate what you learned into your life? 
  • How does this knowing change you? 

Use these knowings to light those bends and dips of your Celtic knot on the way to transformation. 

Are you ready to ride the ribbon of your Celtic knot? I hope so because I am riding mine. 


Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive-Coach-Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Her most recent book, As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive, is available on Amazon. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook / @fyrserpent / © 2021

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