Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Magic Bullet

The magic bullet: a quick fix; a righter of the uncertainties in the world that ignore my imperfections and yours. This magic bullet often meets a need for control in a very uncertain world. I discovered that need on a recent program evaluation (ouch) and in myself every time I play the lottery. (sigh)

Is a quick fix even possible or sustainable? Maybe that magic bullet we all seek isn’t so much a radical change in the world around us, but a subtle re-ignition of the spark of self. It may seem trite to say, “be the change,” but what if internally we were truly the change without expectation that the external life would change? What if we knew that any change would be internal and only about us and our response to our life? 

If we met the world with that intent, it would be easier to give up any expectation that our actions would trigger mass change in a world mired in fear. Giving up that expectation, we reconnect with our humility and vulnerability. No longer does the weight of the world rest on our shoulders. The heaviness released, we lift our head to see the possibility. 

Can you feel the heaviness lifting from your shoulders as you let go of the need to be the magic bullet? With that shift comes the realization that life really is about us — as individuals. And, the greatest change we make is the one that triggers our personal transformation. That is the only magic bullet that will ever have. 

This paradigm shift requires a transition from needing to change the world to engaging in our own personal transformation. Our actions are not externally driven in a haphazard way to change the world. Instead, we focus on living our best, most authentic self. As a result, we share our light with the world. 

It is not that we do not want to make a difference. No. We understand that any difference we make must begin with us without expectation it changing another. This is transformation cultivated in the heart. This is the magic bullet we need. We accept our imperfections as tools for growth. We stop othering because of their imperfections. As we relax into change, we invite others to do the same.

Magic bullets are unique to each of us. They are tempered in the fire of our transformation and offered, not as changes agent in an uncertain world but as the light that shines from our change.  

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is a Life Coach through Intuitive Connection, professional speaker, and author who weaves her inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa @ vanessa@intentandaction.com for life coaching, keynotes, programs, and intuitive consultations.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook / Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2019

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