Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Beep. Beep. Beep: The Serenade of Change

Beep. Beep. Beep. A reminder that the construction of  multifamily housing is happening behind my home. As what remained of the wooded area began to leaf out, I could forget about the new construction and the destruction of green space and wildlife habitat. Everything was okay because “out of sight, out of mind,” right?” Not really.

How many times do we convince our self that what was happening in our life was just fine even though it was not? How many times have we ignored the signs that something is not quite right? Although everything may appear okay, we cannot ignore what is wrong. Beep. Beep. Beep. 

No longer able to live within the leafy greens of denial, we cannot afford to be stuck in the discouragement that this change is not working for us. No, it is time to take a step back and look from a different angle. Instead of bemoaning the change we do not like, we reframe to the positive.

We do not deepen the illusion of all is well. When we hear the beep, beep, beep, we embrace whatever aspect of change calls to us. For we realize that while change is inevitable, our response to it facilitates an easier transition. The reframe is a courageous act that calms fears. 

For we say to our self, “change is inevitable, but I have the skills and the fortitude to ride that thermal into transformation. Those winds may be gusty and my flight rocky, but I have the power, the courage to ride the winds of change into the best possible me.” With this acceptance, we are ready to explore change not as a scary proposition but as a window into a new way of being. 

What is next? We set our intent to recognize and act upon each opportunity that draws us further into change and away from the worn parts of our life that aren’t working. As we let go, we grieve over and over again until the toxic residue of old flushes from our life. Then we see clearly what can be.

Maybe, just maybe, we spend time enjoying that wooded area with teeming life. We enjoy the slimmed down woods as a reflection of who we are and who we are becoming. Perhaps we find opportunities to invite more greening into our life. After all, spring is a time of renewal, isn’t it? 

Beep. Beep. Beep. Change is inevitable, but we do not need to stay stuck in a place of a world transforming without us. No, we can find our own transformation by owning who we are and  embracing the powerful reminder of those three little beeps. 

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is a Life Coach through Intuitive Connection, professional speaker, and author who weaves her inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa @ vanessa@intentandaction.com for life coaching, keynotes, programs, and intuitive consultations.

Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2019

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