Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Reflecting the Beauty of Another's Soul

Sometimes I get so busy that I miss the beauty of the soul  of another reflected in mine. The world feels heavy. I tune into the news and see the bad in the world. Or, I get so focused on my worries that I slip from the moment. I stop making eye contact with others. I get mired in sorrow. My spark dims. I miss the beauty of the soul of another reflected in mine

Then something wonderful happens. A single act of kindness, a query of compassion jolts me into the moment. The compassionate spirit of another glints off the kindling in my soul. And, the beauty in my soul sparks a flash fire. If I choose, I become part of the wildfire of beauty that singes the darkness, incinerates the badness. What is left is the ashy compost of hope.

Bad things happen. Frustration occurs. I’ve been there. I am betting that you have, too. But, when I am in the moment, the bad, the frustration, lightens. I work in the compost of hope into the soil of my being. Unless the compost is allowed to nourish transformation, frustration continues to fester thus diminishing the light of our beauty.

I believe — no, I know — that the beauty in each of us, and the world, is our salvation. What would happen if our only criteria of connection would be the beauty of another no matter how hidden? Judgments and defenses would no longer have the illusion of validity. And, where beauty was diminished, we would burn away the dark that obscures it though acts of compassion. 

We are not so different you and I. Within us is the potential to connect spark to spark sending a shower of beauty into the world. But, sometimes we get busy and so focused on our self that we forget how connected we are. I’d like to believe that we are not intentionally hurtful. Rather, we get stuck in our suffering and become blind to our beauty and the beauty that surrounds us. To see the beauty we need to reset the way we see the world. That reset? Self compassion.

Self compassion clears the cobwebs. Our vision becomes 20/20. Our beauty shines brightly and we see the beauty of another reflecting in us. We know that our beauty reflects in the other even if they cannot recognize it. Because after all, this journey is not contingent upon the sight of another. It is about our ability to see beauty and respond to it. 

Be the mirror that reflects the beauty of the world. Be beauty that is reflected in the world.  

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is a Life Coach through Intuitive Connection, professional speaker, and author who weaves her inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available through www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa @ vanessa@intentandaction.com for life coaching, keynotes, programs, and intuitive consultations.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook / Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2019

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