Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Hope: An Act of Compassion

Over and over again I’ve heard, “Don’t have expectations.” But, if we do not have expectations, where does that leave us? Are we stuck in the futility of life without hope? Because hope, according to Merriam-Webster is an expectation of fulfillment of an act. It is having confidence that what we desire will be realized.

Life without hope feels like a barren desert of cracked earth and dusty air that clogs our pores and nostrils until we are suffocated by despair. Without hope we would lie down upon the cracked earth and allow the locust swarm of dust-despair to cover us. Our suffering would be overwhelming. The way forward is cast in an illusion of failure.

Hope is a great act of compassion. If we have an expectation that this, too, shall pass; well, the energy behind that knowing can increase our mindfulness while lessening the grip of suffering. Hope levitates suffering just enough so that we can peer beneath it into our heart. We can see our suffering shining with the sparks of compassion; and, maybe, just maybe, we can make sense, find meaning, in the challenge of suffering.

Through hope we make peace with our suffering. We own it. Hold it to our heart. Love it unconditionally — for suffering is as much a part of us as joy. Suffering recognized as our own, we whisper, “You are me and I am you. Let us walk the narrow path of woundedness while shiny spark-flakes of compassion provide flickering guidance.” 

Near the end of the journey, I will kiss my suffering gently and work it into the arid soil of my soul. The compost of suffering rejuvenates my arid land. Renewed, I am ready to meet myself in each challenge, in each person, in each situation. Even when I cannot see it, amid suffering are the sparks of hope that give life to my compassion.

Hope is a the powerhouse. We may not be able to change anything in our life but the way we perceive the world. When our perception shifts, we move from the arid desert of desolation into an oasis of renewal. There we slake our thirst on hope, self compassion, and courage. With curious daring we continue our trek through the arid land of suffering into the fertile ground of hoped for peace. 

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is a life coach using the Neural Synchrony™ process, professional speaker, and author who weaves her inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are Imperfect in an Uncertain World, A Constellation of Connections: Contemplative Relationships, and Engaging Compassion Through Intent & Action. Vanessa intuitively assists clients in navigating their life paths. Contact Vanessa @ vanessa@intentandaction.com for keynotes, programs, and consultations.

Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2019

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