Tuesday, May 8, 2018

navigating fiercely and compassionately

Fear. It tangles me up in knots…puts a  stranglehold on my mind…runs amok in my emotions…shadows my connection to spirit. These are not malicious acts of a nefarious enemy. They are the actions of a friend seeking to get my attention.

We live in a uncertain world where one misstep has the potential to throw us into a sea of self doubt and fear. Tumbling into fear, we are no longer able to see past the imperfections into who we really are. The whispered illusions of fear deafen us to anything else. Paralyzed, deaf, and blind, we cannot be in the moment while wrestling our doubts and perceived inadequacies. 

Transforming fear from foe to friend requires a paradigm shift. Although we are afraid, we do not judge or ignore the vapors of trepidation wafting into our body, mind, spirit, and heart. Instead, we dive deeply into the marrow of our being. Past the shallows of fear, we open our ears to the singing roots deeply embedded in the bottom muck. We listen to the voice behind the fear.

It is inevitable that we get so tangled in the knots of fear that we cannot hear the whispers behind its paralyzing force. When fear catches you in knots and tangles, try this:

Breathe…make each breath longer than the last until you are breathing from your diaphragm…feel where fear is tangled in your physical body…listen to the fear knots of your mind…see how your emotions are snarled with fear…name what is at the root of your fear. As the knowing settles in your body, let it untangle the fear knots…acknowledge the illusion revealed…breathe it out of your body…breathe in peace…

At the root of your fear may be an image, a memory, a word, or a strong emotion. It may be a combination of all four. As fear begins to detangle from my being, I journal about the knowledge fear shares with me. In my journaling, maybe the fear doesn’t go away completely, but it loses some of its sharp edges.

Befriending fear is possible when we wrap ourself in courage and curious daring. Remember, courage is not the absence of fear but the acknowledgment of fear. And, curious daring is a dance with both partners — courage to be curious and daring to overcome fears. We navigate fiercely and compassionately through our life using this triad compass.

Maybe fear tangles you in knots…but maybe, just maybe, with courage and curious daring you can  befriend fear and unravel the knots.

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is a Mindful Coach, Neural Synchrony™ facilitator, Professional Speaker, and Author who weaves her inner wisdom into all she touches. Vanessa assists clients in navigating their life paths with intuition. Her books are A Constellation of Connections: Contemplative Relationships and Engaging Compassion Through Intent & Action. Contact Vanessa @ vanessa@intentandaction.com for keynotes, programs, and consultations.

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