Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Silence is the Night Sky

 The night is dark. Look into the indigo sky. The night is silence. Breathe in the quiet embrace. The night is twinkling. Feel the connection of each sparkling star. The night is dark. You are surrounded by it.

The sky is the realm of magic. As the world turns and daylight breaks, the sky streaks with red. The paling sky welcomes us to begin anew. Its palette shifts to brilliant blue as the sun edges across the the day. Clouds float across the sky. Distracted by happenings, we drift through the moments like those clouds. We lose the wonder and awe of sky’s presence. Soon the sky turns from brilliant blue to streaks of red and orange. The sun dips beyond the horizon. The twilight gives way to inky blackness. 

Night beckons us to rest in its dark embrace. Our sight is partially obscured. Perceptions slightly skewed, we enter into a new Real. We wake to a new way of sensing. We are no longer able to depend primarily upon our eyes, we listen with the ears of our body. The wind speaks through a gentle touch, and we feel the song of the night creatures. Our imagination paints a picture of what truly is. 

The inky night sky reminds me of silence. Not the silence of being sushed mute by another. This is the silence that quiets the soul. In this inky dark silence we rest and our heart calms.
This night sky silence is an environment where all our inner sparkling is held in a safe embrace. And, as we rest, we hear in ways that bring bursts of unexpected clarity.  This silent darkness calls us to wake into our self.

Like those stars that we would not see without the inky black, our understanding would not shine so brightly without silence’s embrace. We would not be mindfully aware of all life offers without silence as an anchor. Through the vastness of silence, we can be our self that ember that glows in the center of our being. And, in being our self, we connect with others authentic heart to authentic heart. Our compassionate spirit thrives. 

Because that is what this night sky of silence is. It is a place where I name my illusions and recognize how they warp authentic reality. No one else is in the darkness as I let go the illusions and firmly grasp who I truly are. I can be my best, truest self because in this silence who can really see? I am freed by wrapping myself in the courage’s embrace while giving full rein to curious daring. Within the silence I can be me and grow in comfort of sharing this me with you.

The night is dark. Sitting outside, the city noises of my distractions, are muted. As I draw deeper into the quiet, those hazy lights become inconsequential. I can feel the darkness reach through my light pollution and connect with the glowing spark ember inside. This spark flares resonating with the twinkling in the night sky. In alignment with the smattering of night sky knowing, I am filled with clarity. This dark night silence is a beacon that guides me to myself. 

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is a Mindful Coach, Compassion Consultant, Professional Speaker, and Author who weaves her inner wisdom into all she touches. Contact Vanessa @ hurst.vanessa@gmail.com

More from Vanessa: www.intentandaction.com
Twitter: @fyrserpent

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