Friday, October 2, 2015

Rain: From the One to the Community

It is raining.
I watch as each drop hits the puddle and then shimmers on the water's surface. As a drop lands upon the ground, it is greedily absorbed in to the parched soil. Each drop erodes, dissolves, and blends the parts of the world together into a whole. Rain brings the joy-filled dance of the one into the celebration of community.
Rain joyfully invites me into a damp dance as it washes away my regrets and angst of the past. The pitter-patter of the drops calls me into the moment; and, in this space of here and now, my awareness is in the present. Rain's touch will not let me slip into the past or the future. Worries, hopes, and dreams for the future remain swirling in the place of morrow. I am happily and joyfully free in this dance with the drops and mist of Rain.
Every thing about Rain calls me into the moment. I am more attentive behind the wheel of my car, my steps are more measured, my thoughts are focused…I am present because the landscape of my life has changed. And, in this place of awareness, I see the extraordinary in the drops radiating out, the flowers turning to the sky, the community of umbrellas, and the squirrels and birds hidden just out of reach of the rain.
Rain reminds me of the welcoming inevitability of community. It offers us a commonality for we cannot outrun the drops.  We are all touch by it.  Rain is the invitation of reminder.  We live in community.  As a member of community, how does Rain invite you in the joy-filled dance of connection?
Dancing and Singing in the Rain!  Vanessa

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