Friday, September 4, 2015

Uncovering Your Wisdom...With Help!

Earlier today two cardinals perched on my fence.  They were looking intently at one another, peering into each other’s eyes, and dialoguing with unspoken words.  I smiled at my feathered neighbors as they enjoyed my patio space.

I spent a few quiet moments breathing into their presence marveling at how they were takng time just to be.  Mimicking them, I stopped my hectic race to the finish and took joy in resting in place.  With clarity I realized that while I was learning from the cardinal couple; they were not teachers.  These beings were fellow sojourners who facilitated an unveiling of my path.

These two cardinals were an example of what Deb said yesterday in a meeting, “I am not a teacher, I am helping to uncover.” And, those two helped me, in that moment, uncover the silence within.  Brought me to a place where I could listen to the internal monologue and discover the distractions lurking in my quiet mind.

Do I offer new information in my classes? Yes.  But, like the cardinals, and like Deb, I am not so much a teacher as a guide helping others to explore a newness…helping others to discover who they are at the depth of their being.  In this unveiling, seeing the possibilities, and reframing, we step off the path of the mundane and visit again and again the extraordinary.

That’s life…the commitment to offer a descriptor to a writer or suggest a color to an artist or a different way of being to a seeker.  We aren’t creating the canvas or the paper or the path.  We are merely facilitating one another’s imagination and ability to see beyond the ordinary into the world of infinite possibilities.

Who will nudge you today? Who will offer you a pallet of vibrant colors or a dictionary filled with poignant words or a potential legend to your life map?  And, what will you offer to another?

From one fellow sojourner to another,


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