Thursday, August 28, 2014

All Will Be Well Or So Julian Says

Image courtesy of Hordur Vilhjalmsson/
Recently I was talking to a friend as she was waiting for the results of her medical tests. I texted her, “Julian says all will be well.” And, all will be well came for her in the form of negative, disease-free test results.

Later I found myself reflecting on the second half of that quote from Julian of Norwich, “in the manner of all things all will be well.” I wondered that if I truly believed all would be well, how do I find the “well” amid the turmoil and tumult in my life? In those moments I am challenged to look beyond the discord and find the pockets of grace — those pockets of “well-ness.” Often I discover these pockets by reframing the challenges — finding and celebrating the positive even if it is to recognize that the outcome could have been worse. Re-patterning is finding the grace in increments.

Early this summer I was called the “queen of spin” because I reframed some not-so-sweet happening in order to reveal the grace that lay waiting to be discovered under the muck. For me, the search for the grace was a choice: I could choose to flop around in the mud and wait for a miraculous downpour to wash my life clean of the challenge.  Or, I could experience the muckiness and discover the beauty and grace that lay hidden just beyond my misery.

When I allow myself to wallow in the muck, eventually the sun comes out. That pesky sun dries the mud. Have you tried to dig yourself out of dirt, hardened clay? Not a pleasant or easy proposition. Instead of waiting, I can proactively take a long, loving look at the muddy real and search intently in “the manner of all things” for what is well.

Image courtesy of
In those moments when I look beyond the surface and discover the benefits hidden in the mud, I am amazed at what I see. The mud is not just a goopy-filled watering hole. The mud is something to apply like a clay facial. A clay masque applied to your skin has many benefits. As it hardens, impurities are drawn out and our skin is firmed and toned.

After the facial, I shine with the same internal light, but the illumination is cast is a different, profound way. I am touched in grace-filled ways by the mud that hardened and then washed away.

What is being released and revealed by the mud of your challenges?

In the manner of all things how are you well?

Peace & All Good, Vanessa

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