Tuesday, March 2, 2021

I Want To Be Water. How About You?

Water. We just had a deluge of rain (3.5 inches) this weekend. As I navigated rain filled roads in the predawn hours, al I could think was thanks be that it was raining and not snowing. Later that day, I got an email about being like water…so here’s to being the flow.

Water flows at a drip-drip trickle, a raging crashing. But, mostly water flows somewhere in-between. Water goes wherever, whenever, however it wants. It wears down barriers, slips through cracks, changes the landscape. 

Water cannot be contained. During the safe flow times, it meanders along in a stream, a river, the ocean as it subtly erodes banks and shores. I can almost hear the water inviting bits and pieces of flotsam to join it in this meandering, mindful adventure. Life comes and goes in the gentle slowness of this flow.

But, a rain storm triggers big change. The deluge brings faster currents and higher water. Water no longer issues an invitation; it takes the flotsam of our life. In this celebratory joining of earth and sky water, this community of droplets gleefully splashes from its banks shouting, “You cannot, you will not contain me. For I am Water, the ultimate change agent.” 

And, I take a ginger step back and then another and another until I am far from the bank that threatens to erode me into the water. 

If I am honest, sometimes I want to be like that water — not its destructive force, but the mindful meandering that knows no true obstacles. Obstacles don’t exist for water; they are just illusions. For water finds a way, no matter how, to flow past the obstacle. It will saturate the land, flow through cracks, become ice that pushes it way through or become a misty haze to obscure the obstacle. Water is smart like that.

I, too, want to be smart like that. I want to be the ultimate shapeshifter not to run from obstacles but to find a way through them; to perceive the obstacle as a course correction.  I want to be a mindful meanderer who takes life as it is not complacently but full of zest for what lies just beyond the next bend in my life. Yeah, I want to be water.

Water is the power of hope that never gives up. It is courageous movement into uncharted territory. It is welcoming of what others would call flotsam — I would call that treasure. So, I want to be the water that flows never knowing if I will be called to refresh dry land, be turned to ice, or just continue my journey unabated. I want to become an epiphany of water who see the world anew again and again and again. 

Do you want to be like water? How can you flow through your life? 

    • Be open to whatever happens in your life. 
    • Don’t label anything as obstacle or dead ends. 
    • See life a series of course corrections. 
    • Slow down, seep into the cracks in what appears to stop you. 
    • Ask yourself what water would do 
    • Listen for the answer. 

You may find an easy-around or you may wear the obstacle that seems to stop you down. For to be water is to flow into any situation knowing that you will come out the other side with greater clarity and wisdom. 

I want to be water. How about you? 


Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive-Coach-Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relational transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Her most recent book, As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive, is available on Amazon. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook @fyrserpent / ©2021

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