Tuesday, March 9, 2021

I am garden

Within me is what I need to grow and thrive. Somedays I don’t feel that way. Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone outside of me hoe the garden? Pull the weeds? Even choose which seeds to plant and which to let go for another day? But, I am the seed, the rain, the soil — even the compost of my garden. And, you are yours.

Now, I am not saying that there are no outside influence. We are people, not terrariums! Although we can make choices, there are a lot of outside influences that pull at us in many directions. This means that we need to be open to what is happening and be willing to grow within our circumstances. 

Lately, I have been seeing life as a garden. I can choose what to plant within my life, but I am never quite sure what will take root. And, sometimes, I find that a bird has dropped the gift of another seed when I was not looking! That different growth requires creative flexibility!

Those little gifts grow the excitement of living toward a dream. They remind us not to give up in the moment. To be open to where we are being guided. To not only grow our dreams but to grow the pockets of silence as well. Within those pockets we listen to our internal guidance.

Now, what is internal guidance? I call it intuition. Some call it the Voice of the Sacred. Others refer to it as spirit guides. I have found that the source doesn’t matter as much as the intentional relationship you have with that quiet voice of guidance. Through this guidance we receive the sustenance — the hope, the daring, the courage — to make our dreams a reality. 

So, how do we do this? By focusing our intent and riding on the winds of our actions: 

I am a seed. 

The seed is a kernel of your dream. What you want to grow in your life. What is your dream? Name the dream. Create a tiny pocket in your heart space. Whisper-drop the seed into your heart space. 

I am rain.

Water is the stuff of emotions. What do you rain upon the seed? Perhaps it is hope, joy, anticipation. Drip these emotions, and others, into your heart space. See the seed take root.

I am compost.

Compost is the hard stuff that you’ve been through or are going through. You know, the stuff that allegedly makes you stronger. Work in these learnings into your heart space. Ask how they help you realize your dreams. Act upon those learnings.

I am soil

Of course, your heart space is the soil. The place where you grow your dreams, turn your sorrows and sufferings into compost. This is where you grow into your best self one seed at a time. Look around. Name the seeds that have grown into fruit bearing plants. Celebrate what you have nurtured into being.

I am garden

We are in this life for a season. Not the typical yearly cycle of growth. This season is the entirety of our life. In each moment, we — you and I — have opportunities to choose seeds, feed them compost, and water them. We nurture them in the garden of our heart space one breath at a time. 

You can do this, I can do this, one seed, one dream, at a time.


Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive-Coach-Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Her most recent book, As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive, is available on Amazon. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook / @fyrserpent / ©2021

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