Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Is There a Message in a Memory?

Is There a Message in a Memory? Of course.

Misty color water memories of the way things were.

Memories. We all have them. Sometimes we remember the joy-filled, the celebrations of our life. Other times we remember the hitches, the sorrow and grief. 

I’ve always loved the line from the Barbra Streisand song, “misty water color memories of the way we were.” Of course, when I sing that line, I change the “we” to “things.” Sometimes, more often than we like to admit, our memories are misty water color — they represent how we see what happened and not always what is real. Our socially constructed reality blurs the real.

There are scientific studies that provide blueprints for how we remember what we remember — this includes the misty water color blur. I have a hunch as to why memories surface at unexpected times. I believe that they are the vessels of intuitive messages. So, when we remember, our intuition is speaking through the memories.

Memories aren’t the easiest bringers of intuition. Memories can be hard. Memories can be painful. They bring up high emotion times in our life. It is easy to shut them down. What happens if we don’t shy away from a memory but experience it fully? I am not talking about traumatic memories that are best explored with a therapist; I am speaking of the memories that rise into our consciousness unexpectedly. 

When those memories are intuitive messages, they knock on the window of my consciousness again and again waking me to the message. Only then can I peer into their misty watercolor depths. When I step into the memory, I take care not to be caught, entangled, in the memory’s emotions. Objective, I peer into that window while welcoming any emotions into my presence. 

How do we intuitively listen to the message in the memory?

  • Anchor yourself in the moment. Once simple way is to visualize your breath flowing throughout your body.
  • Envision your body, mind, spirit, and heart as smooth with no glitches on which something can get hung up.
  • Welcome the memory through your words, thoughts, and actions. You might envision a smile and a beckoning motion with your hand.
  • Allow the memory to wash over you knowing that it cannot snag you, trap you, or catch you in any way. 
  • Open to the intuitive message.
  • As it flows over you, notice any sensations including emotions, words, understandings. Don’t force the message, be with it.
  • Intend that the meaning behind the memory surfaces. Be patience. It may take several resurfacings of the memory before you actual understand the message behind it.
  • Ask yourself how best to act upon the message.
  • Act!

Let’s make this real! I had a memory wash over me this morning. I clearly realized that this memory, really everything in my life, was from my perspective. I can’t wear the lenses of another’s experience. No matter how hard I try, I may never understand another or their experience. I clearly saw the holes of misunderstanding within the memory. This misunderstanding was built upon this lack of awareness. With this realization I recognized that it was okay. It needed to let it go.

The memory was like a practice of tonglen. (Check out this video for more on tonglen.) This is a core contemplative practice for bodhisattvas or compassion warriors who conquer the world not through violence or aggression but through gentleness, courage, and self-knowledge. It is a way of mindfully sending and receiving compassion. It awakens our natural empathy which is at the foundation of compassionate action.

So, I breathed in the memory. As it became lighter, the suffering dissipated. Beneath the suffering was the message that I had been waiting for…no fault…time to let go…time to open to what is…

What is the message in your memory? And, how might tonglen help you move through the misty watercolor memory and understand the intuitive message? 


Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive-Coach-Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Her most recent book, As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive, is available on Amazon. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook / @fyrserpent / ©2021

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Gifts from the Unexpected

So, this past summer I did a thing. I cut my hair really short. Well, really short for me. I have been enjoying wearing hats because short hair doesn’t stick out in unsightly tuffs!

Searching for the perfect hat, I came up disappointed. A friend posted pictures of her works of crochet art. I remembered the afghans I crocheted decades ago. I am sure you can see where this is headed. So, I did another thing — researched crochet patterns, asked for advice from my crochet artist fried, and bought yarn and hooks. So, that might actually be three things.

My reasoning about creating my own hat was how difficult could this be? Yes, famous last words. The first attempt I created a doily. I bought additional yarn and more hooks. The next attempt was lopsided. Next, I practiced crocheting by hooking a scarf for my son. 

I found another pattern and began anew. The first hat was the size of a small basket. So, this was an unexpected gift! I am using it for my crochet projects. And….I may just have to crochet some Easter baskets. I’m just finished my next hat. It is a win! 

On the Crochet Journey

On my journey to crocheting a hat, I knew that I wouldn’t stop until I had a hat. I fully expected the unexpected as I attempted to make a hat that fit. Each time I didn’t quite succeed, I learned from my mis-hooks. I also told myself that if I couldn’t ever figure out how to make a hat, well, I would use that yarn for something else. No matter what happened as I hooked the yarn through the stitches, I was living in the moment. 

This journey of crocheting has been a practice of mindfulness and a foray into the unexpected. Counting stitches I notice how often my mind wanders from the moment. When I breathe into the flow of the hook, I relax and the stitches are more even. Crocheting is now on my list of contemplative practices.

Crocheting, Mindfulness, & Risk Taking

But, more than that, living in the moment is an exercise in risk taking. It is a willingness to meet the unexpected by being okay with the outcome. It is about not giving up or giving in to frustrations. Even though I am secreting hoping for THE outcome, I am open to where the path leads me. 

And, I am not just talking about crocheting. Each time I begin a new venture, I open to the evolution of my plans. Each time I pen a book, wax a reflection arc, or paint an aura portrait, I practice meditation and contemplation. Through focusing my attention, meditation, and listening to my inner voice, contemplation, I fully am in the moment. I am trusting that my intuition will guide me over the hitches into exactly where I need to be. 

The Call of the Unexpected

The unexpected calls us into the moment; calls us to take a risk; calls us to listen to our intuition. Life really is in the journey. Each moment of that journey is a way station destination of awareness and realization. Each moment calls us over and over again to be exactly who we are. 

So, the unexpected can be a place of fear where we startle at every creak. Or, it can be a place of curiosity and daring where we explore the world anew. What will you choose?

 Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive-Coach-Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Her most recent book, As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive, is available on Amazon. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook / @fyrserpent / ©2021

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Change isn’t coming. Change is here.

Change isn’t coming. Change is here. A subtle shift in the wind. A lightness of being. A shiver down the spine. How will do you respond to its invitation? If you are afraid, that is totally okay. Because anytime there is change, there is fear. Maybe it is not change that we fear; it may be the fear of responding the right way. 

Sometimes we focus so much on what might happen that we make change harder than what it is. We can make it simpler. When we center, connect to our core, and listen to the voice within, change is not so daunting. What is this inner voice that guides us through the morass of change? Our intuition. 

We need our intuition now more than ever. We are in this wild, expansive time of transformation. Even when we do not actively pursue change, it weaves its way into our life. Change is inevitable. Lately,  my intuition is pinging — hints of change drop into my inbox, curious articles pop up on social medial, conversations with friends take unexpected turns. 

My intuition is whispering, “Listen. Change isn’t coming. It is here.”  

And, then, a bit cheekily, Change asks, “What are you going to do about me?” 

Now that is the conundrum! I feel it the winds of change and my intuition riding upon them. Can you? If you are unsure if you are, a symptom of both include feeling out of sorts in one moment and, in the next, slipping easily into balance. 

Life may seem like a roller coaster ride. How do we manage the dips and sudden turns? Through self care and self compassion. Because, really, intuition cannot grow without compassion.

Intuition is a guide to transformation at your core. Breathe deeply into the wonder that you are. Know that no matter where you find yourself, there is nothing wrong with where you are. Every moment, every thought, every word, every deed is all part of the journey. 

Recognize that any fear you feel is just the old, your stasis, holding on tight in an effort to stay. But, nothing lasts forever — not the old, not this transition time, and not the new. We are constantly growing into our best, most authentic self. 

Your role is to learn to ride that roller coaster with glee just because how could you not? Life is to be lived and enjoyed.

Back to self care and self compassion — the way to pamper yourself in the moment. Go for a walk, read a book, savor a piece of chocolate. This is your life. You decide what you will do! No matter what you choose, really engage in that moment. Be awake to every nuance. Perhaps you will even whisper to yourself, “Show me. I am listening.” And, trust that intuition is responding.

Now that you have soothed some of your ruffles and re-engaged your journey, set aside time to listen to the peace as it settles into your bones. Be alert for images, words, sounds, smells, tastes. What you hear speaks of the next steps you take on the path. These messages are intuitive navigators that help you learn lessons, meet challenges, and live with soul purpose. 

Change is here. Pay attention to where you are called. Be wiling to explore as you reconnect to your core. Really engage the voice of intuition whenever, however, wherever it manifests. The more you listen and respond the greater your connection to your inner world. 

Connecting to your intuition isn’t difficult. It is the magic of changing your consciousness at will. And, in that magic you find the way to navigate through the moments of uncertainty into lasting change. Change isn’t coming. It is here. How do you respond?

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive-Coach-Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Her most recent book, As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive, is available on Amazon. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

A-Get-Back-On-Track Month: February

Hush. Listen. The world is coming alive. So are you. The Goddess Brigid. Imbolc. Candlemas. St. Blaise. February begins with a bright flash of light drawing our attention, guiding us home to our self.

The brilliance of illumination lights your world. Like a flash of lightning across the terrain you can see the path clearly — the way and the obstacles. So, what do you do? Do you burrow into yourself throwing the cover over your head or do you take those tentative first steps into the light of who you are? 

I have found that the small steps, not the grand gestures, bring me closer to a goal. It is really the small, sometimes seemingly inconsequential actions that awaken intuition. I clearly hear the messages that call me into the next step. But, this listening requires that you peel back those hidey-hole layers, climb out of the burrow, and take those first tentative steps on the path. This is not for the faint hearted. Courage and daring are both needed on your path of purpose.

How do you take steps down this path? First, decide what you want. What is your focus in the short term? Maybe you want to be healthier, write a book, deepen a relationship, secure a new job. Remember this is your dream. There is no wrong way to achieve it…just choose. You can always revise the path to your dream! 

Get quiet, breathe into the moment, ask the questions: “What is my dream? Where do I begin in this moment to attain that dream?” Listen to the answers.

Some examples of what you might hear:

    • You may say, “I want to get healthier.” In answer, maybe you begin by taking a sugar sabbatical for a week. Do away with all the overt processed sugar — candy, baked goods, etc.
    • You may say, “I want to write a book.” You begin by writing a thesis statement about the subject followed by writing a first draft outline for the book. 

These initial steps are only the beginning of your journey to dream realization. Each step gives you the impetus to go deeper. As you take those tentative steps, listen to where your intuitive guides you. The external light is not the guide; it awakener of your inner wisdom. 

As you listen to your intuition, be prepared to take the next step and the next step and the next step until you are dancing through your life with purpose. Who know what your dance will look like — one step forward, slide to the right or maybe to the left, sashay forward, one step back, spin, dip.  Who knows where your dance partner intuition will lead? When intuition is involved, wherever you go is sure to be in the direction of your soul purpose!

Leaning into the light from within is about coming awake to your dreams through intuition isn’t about succeeding in every moment of every day. It is about responding by listening to your intuition, navigating through your life challenges, and somehow, somewhere along the way living your purpose in the big and small moments. 

So, February is a month where we begin with a flash of light and see the light grow noticeably longer as we edge into spring. Like the growing year, we can edge deeper into an awareness of who we are and live from that  knowing. 

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive-Coach-Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Her most recent book, As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive, is available on Amazon. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook 

Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2021