Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Gifts from the Unexpected

So, this past summer I did a thing. I cut my hair really short. Well, really short for me. I have been enjoying wearing hats because short hair doesn’t stick out in unsightly tuffs!

Searching for the perfect hat, I came up disappointed. A friend posted pictures of her works of crochet art. I remembered the afghans I crocheted decades ago. I am sure you can see where this is headed. So, I did another thing — researched crochet patterns, asked for advice from my crochet artist fried, and bought yarn and hooks. So, that might actually be three things.

My reasoning about creating my own hat was how difficult could this be? Yes, famous last words. The first attempt I created a doily. I bought additional yarn and more hooks. The next attempt was lopsided. Next, I practiced crocheting by hooking a scarf for my son. 

I found another pattern and began anew. The first hat was the size of a small basket. So, this was an unexpected gift! I am using it for my crochet projects. And….I may just have to crochet some Easter baskets. I’m just finished my next hat. It is a win! 

On the Crochet Journey

On my journey to crocheting a hat, I knew that I wouldn’t stop until I had a hat. I fully expected the unexpected as I attempted to make a hat that fit. Each time I didn’t quite succeed, I learned from my mis-hooks. I also told myself that if I couldn’t ever figure out how to make a hat, well, I would use that yarn for something else. No matter what happened as I hooked the yarn through the stitches, I was living in the moment. 

This journey of crocheting has been a practice of mindfulness and a foray into the unexpected. Counting stitches I notice how often my mind wanders from the moment. When I breathe into the flow of the hook, I relax and the stitches are more even. Crocheting is now on my list of contemplative practices.

Crocheting, Mindfulness, & Risk Taking

But, more than that, living in the moment is an exercise in risk taking. It is a willingness to meet the unexpected by being okay with the outcome. It is about not giving up or giving in to frustrations. Even though I am secreting hoping for THE outcome, I am open to where the path leads me. 

And, I am not just talking about crocheting. Each time I begin a new venture, I open to the evolution of my plans. Each time I pen a book, wax a reflection arc, or paint an aura portrait, I practice meditation and contemplation. Through focusing my attention, meditation, and listening to my inner voice, contemplation, I fully am in the moment. I am trusting that my intuition will guide me over the hitches into exactly where I need to be. 

The Call of the Unexpected

The unexpected calls us into the moment; calls us to take a risk; calls us to listen to our intuition. Life really is in the journey. Each moment of that journey is a way station destination of awareness and realization. Each moment calls us over and over again to be exactly who we are. 

So, the unexpected can be a place of fear where we startle at every creak. Or, it can be a place of curiosity and daring where we explore the world anew. What will you choose?

 Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive-Coach-Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Her most recent book, As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive, is available on Amazon. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook / @fyrserpent / ©2021

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