The first snow of the season gently coated skeleton trees. Coated white, their crispy leaves fell to the ground. I found myself snapping photo after photo of the falling white. The magic of the snow and the click of the camera calmed my soul.
Hours later darkness has fallen and the night lights glint off the remaining snow. Tomorrow the sun will stop hiding. It’s rays will cause melting — goodbye early season snow! For now, I am going to sit in the quiet of the snow and let its balm bring peace to my soul.
Peace of snow. Peace of soul. Do you have a practice of moving out of the disquiet and into the calm? Even when I am not aware of discord, it ruffles my being. It is the unsettledness that will not be denied no matter how much I focus on something else. How do you move from that feeling of something not quite right to neutralizing what is ruffling you? How do you wake the twinkling of hope, joy, and possibility?
Sometimes this twinkling seems just out of reach. How do we move from discord to twinkle? When I slip into the snow-calm, the world that comes to me is simple. Whatever I do, wherever I find myself, however I choose to be, I need to keep it simple. Keeping my response simple increases my awareness. It shines a light on how to live in the unevenness in ways that make me more balanced. Simple is an inside job that opens the door to, well, our inner self.
When we are infused with simple, our focus is on our self. This means that the distractions are more easily identified and the illusions recognized. We can choose not to get caught in the disquiet. What doesn’t catch us, we do not judge. Nonattached, nonjudgmental, we focus on maintaining calm and showing up twinkling…balanced.
First we have to get to that place of being simply our self. For me, today the entrance to that place is snow. The falling fluff calms my anxiety and lets me breathe into wonder. I do admit that if I needed to be somewhere the snow might have had an opposite effect on me. So, finding your simple is about discovering what works for you!
Being in the simple is an ongoing discovery. It is an invitation to listen to the whispers in your soul and discover what calls you in this moment. Ask yourself, “What quiets my spirit and what causes its ruffling?” Then, choose a simple way to soothe your soul. Do this over and over again until simple becomes an intuitive response to the unevenness in your life.
Don’t be afraid of not getting it right. Life invites us into a place where simple and complex clash, and, within the clash, we find the best way forward.
Van Hurst, ms, is an intuitive-coach-catalyst. As a contemplative coach, she uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for navigating the mundane and extraordinary. The result of time with Van? Being the change you want to see in the world by creating a blueprint for your life through a deeper connection to your intuition and contemplative nature.
Van is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ Her most recent book, As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive, is available on Amazon. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.
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