Tuesday, February 8, 2022

All You Need Is Love


 …a not so trite blog 

What is love? Is it really all you need? I answered those questions — or at least asked the questions and discovered a few answers — as I developed my March Bellarmine University class: All You Need Is Love.

Love is…

Instead of love being affection or desire, let’s see love as allowing someone to be themself. Caring for someone unconditionally. Giving them the room, the opportunity to grow into themself.  This is a paradigm shift in which love as unconditional takes on a whole new meaning.

At our core is a spark of love. The origin of our spark of love, is the creator, the sacred. That spark at our core flares a connection of love across the abyss to the Sacred, the All Spark as it were. When we ignite the spark at our core, a highway of connections is made visible — between our self, the sacred, others, and all of creation. Moving along this highway, we give and receive an infinite supply of love.

We need this love

The world is a wild, fierce, beautifully uncertain place where we get bombarded with so much stuff. We get fatigued. Sometimes the last thing we want to do is love — our self, another, creation. When we are at our lowest, we remember that love is an energizer. When we consciously and intentionally share love, hope blossoms. Barriers break down. Silos dismantle. We connect to others. 

Love is the great transformer. Its energy ignites our forgiveness. It turns our attention to suffering. Wakens our compassionate heart. Shines the light into the shadows of possibility. Makes the world is a better place.

Love is a game changer

Love is not for the timid. It asks us to move out of our shell, beyond our comfort zone. To courageously live in a world that is not perfect. Not nirvana. Not heaven on earth. By igniting the spark of love, we fully engage life understanding that we are in a great classroom not of chosen lessons but of challenges and surprises that call us to be our best self. We show up as our best self by choosing love. 

Each time we choose to be an igniter of love, a receptacle of love, a sharer of love, our perception shifts. We see past our judgments, into the heart of another, the heart of a situation, the heart of our self. We feel the woundedness of the world and know that the greatest healing power is love. When we see life in this way, when we act from this knowing, life is never the same.

Love propels our leap across the chasm

That chasm is just an illusion that separates us from our life work. That work?  To share love with one another. Unconditionally, compassionately, truthfully. This is not the love of enabling but the love that holds each of us to our highest self. And, that is what we are called to do over and over again. 

As I love dearly and completely,  I realize that love is all there is. Wanna live a life where love is all there is? Wanna join the love squad? I dare you. I double dare you to join me in a world where love is all there is. 

Van Hurst, ms, is an intuitive-coach-catalyst. As a contemplative coach, she uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for navigating the mundane and extraordinary. The result of time with Van? Creating a blueprint for your life through a deeper connection to your intuition and contemplative nature. 

Van is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Her most recent book, As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive, is available on Amazon. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook / Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2022

1 comment:

  1. Yes Vanessa - you changed my mind about new meds I must try,
    from fear and dread to hope and Love, thank you.
