Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Wanna be a walker between worlds?

Walk between the worlds 

of the mundane and the sacred 

of what is and what could be

of your intuition and distraction

of whenever, wherever, however 

Walk between the worlds 

knowing you are enough

The chaos, the uncertainty, of the last couple of years have spilled over into this year. The first month was a wild ride across the margins. It invited me to have one foot in the mundane and another in the extraordinary. 

No matter where I found myself, each gallop provided different ways of seeing the world anew. Chaos and uncertainty aren’t necessarily “bad,” but the past month did call for awareness and its outgrowth, flexibility.

If you’re like me, I do not set resolutions. I have aspirations. I listen to my intuition as guide through the uncertainty. Through it, I decipher the messages, reflect upon them, and then respond to the world. 

Don’t consider yourself intuitive? If not, maybe you have inner wisdom or hear whispers of the sacred within. Maybe you have epiphany moments or calm resolute. No matter what, I am sure that you have a voice that echoes through your being. That voice guides you on your walk between the worlds. 

So, what are these worlds?

A world can be defined in many ways. When you walk between worlds, you are walking between two aspects of being: the mundane-ordinary and the sacred-extraordinary. These manifest in your personal life, professional life, relationships, in chaos, uncertainty, peace, calm. Walking between the worlds you are asked to show up as yourself no matter whenever, wherever, however you find yourself. 

For me, that’s being contemplative while actively engaging in the world. Sometimes that is a leap! I show up as my contemplative spirit, sharing my compassion in moments that are uncertain and broken. Walking between the worlds I stand witness as a light of hope in a darkened world. As I walk between the worlds, I am never lost: my light is a beacon that calls me home to myself no matter where I am.

Walking between the worlds is about being aware.

No longer going through moments hurrying from one to another, I turn off the autopilot. I notice the unfolding moment for itself. I am in the rhythm of being present gliding from one moment to another. I am aware of how each moment calls to me. And how my intuition is the navigator through the margins as I balance the knowing I gain from each world. 

Walking between the world means being who you are. 

This trek through life is very different for each of us. How I experience my walk between worlds is probably different than how you experience it. For me, it is a weaving of the sacred-extraordinary into all that I do. On this jaunt, the extraordinary teases the mundane into becoming more.

My perception casts a kaleidoscopic light on the world. As a margin dweller, this new ways of perceiving empowers my unapologetic living from my own core. Standing in the spark of my truth, this balancing act while not quite easy, becomes a bit more harmonious. 

Wanna be a walker between worlds? 

Each of us has our own unique way of trekking. Maybe you are in the margins. Maybe you are smack dab in the middle. Most are somewhere in between. On this trek, you discover how you walk between the worlds. And, just when you figure out the navigation, I am betting you will be called to up your game. To walk between the worlds whenever, wherever, however you are called.

I’m walking between the world…wanna join me? 

Van Hurst, ms, is an intuitive-coach-catalyst. As a contemplative coach, she uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for navigating the mundane and extraordinary. The result of time with Van? Creating a blueprint for your life through a deeper connection to your intuition and contemplative nature. 

Van is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Her most recent book, As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive, is available on Amazon. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook / Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2022

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