Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Secret of a Life Well-Lived

The sun rises. The sun sets. Then sun rises again. In the between we live moment by moment. But, how aware are we of these moments? If you are like me, instead of relishing some of those moments, you skip ahead yearning to be anything but in those moments. 

Each moment is as important as the next. Life is to be lived within each moment — within the mundane. Within those small seemingly inconsequential moments, we find meaning. Sometimes we do not recognize their importance until we are well down into the path into another moment. How do we stop jumping ahead? How do we stay focused on the here and now? The secret to life well-lived is to take nothing for granted while expecting that each moment holds a gift. That gift is the extraordinary. 

Songs have been sung and poems written about the extraordinary that is hidden within the mundane. Only when we shift our awareness to focusing on the moment does the gift  of the extraordinary rise from the moment into our consciousness. For example: I had a difficult day and scurried from moment to moment not really being present. Sliding out of my car, I saw a father trying to get a kite airborne. The problem? There was no wind. His daughter, dressed as a princess, was encouraging-chastising her father. 

Drawn into the moment, I smiled at the daughter and gave words of encouragement to the father. With those actions, the tiredness, the disappointment of the day melted away. With a shift in perspective, I noticed the other pieces of the extraordinary shining through the mundane. Squirrels playing tag, birds chirping, leaves swirling — I engaged the wonder around me through my connection to strangers, to nature, and ultimately to myself. Through the sacred-extraordinary I was energized. 

One of two things can happen after we connect to the moment. We can intentionally create a somatic memory of that moment thus planting seeds of joy and awe into our being. Or, unaware, we can allow the moment to fade from our being. The latter creates a fond yet disconnected memory that is easily forgotten. Unanchored, we fall from the moment.

The former empowers our transformation. The seeds of the extraordinary that have lain dormant in the mundane are ignited through our awareness. Within this spark of awareness we experience the aha of epiphany. We recognize the potential of each moment, and we act upon that potential. Present to the world around us, we no longer underestimate the potential that exists in each and every moment.

So, ask yourself, how will I live? How will I engage in each moment? The answers lay in how you meet each moment. That answer is the secret to a life well-lived. 


Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive-Coach-Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Her most recent book, As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive, is available on Amazon. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook / @fyrserpent / ©2020


  1. What a wonderful article Vanessa. So true! Thank You.

    1. Thanks, Carol, I am glad that it touched you.

  2. Thank you, Vanessa! Just what I needed, a reminder.

    1. You are welcome. We all need those reminders, don't we?

  3. Vanessa, this is excellent as usual. I love your writing. Always gives me just what I need.
