Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Compassion: Power to Truth

Sometimes truth beats so strongly deep in our soul that, even if it defies logic, we believe it. This truth is so compelling that we cannot ignore it; we must compassionately act upon it.

Have you ever felt a truth so fierce that you knew it was accurate but had no way to prove it? What did you do?

It takes courage to act upon a truth so fierce that it dares us to navigate the waters of uncertainty and curiously hold strong to the power of truth regardless of what others would say. Power to truth requires that we stay the course while not harming or hurting others. Power to truth asks that our responses resonate from our authentic self. 

Have you ever wondered why truth is so difficult for some to accept? Why some, maybe even you and me at times, fight against it? Perhaps you remember a time when you, or someone else, loudly proclaimed that the truth was a lie and a lie was the truth. A google search turns up many articles of why we are more likely to believe a lie over the truth

Have you ever wondered why someone is vilified for speaking a truth that exposes a lie? If you ask me, I’d say that it is about herd mentality. This following along with the crowd is based upon the fear of being ostracized. We would no longer belong if we saw through the illusion of the lie and acted upon the truth hidden within.

There are lies so powerful that the collective is unwilling to disturb the status quo by confronting them. We can point to the big lies — those at a national or international level where leaders twist their words into whatever is the alternative version of the truth in that moment but, in reality, is a lie no matter what moment. I suggest that we go deeper into our every day lives to discover the lies embedded within our lived experience. We uncover those lies by practicing compassion as we live power to our truth. 

We have all experience those little lies. Here are two examples:
    • A situation at work that everyone sees, but no one in management is willing to acknowledge or address. When it is brought to attention of leadership and a resolution is requested, the issue’s existence is denied or the truth sayer is gaslighted.
    • Problems in a relationship that speak to incompatibility are recognized. When attempting to speak truth to the concerns, barriers to resolution are erected. Again, lies prevail and the truth sayer is gaslighted. 
When either of these situation occur, or something else, we have two choices. We can deny what we know is true or we can live in the power of our truth. While ignoring the lie is in the short term easier, it allows the lie to fester. Unchecked, it grows into an unmanageable monster. The latter choice is a much more difficult one. With that choice, we respond from our authentic core not only believing the truth but also having trust and confidence in our self. The energy behind the lie dissipates.

Within each truth is the voice of our intuition. When we accept the power of truth, we open our self to the many ways that intuition serves as our life navigator. As the intuitive messages we receive are verified — because they will be — we know clearly, that we are not mad in an uncertain world. No, we fully feel the power of truth and know that when we believe it, truth’s power manifests in ways that matter. We act upon truth, and our authentic self manifests in ways that matter. 

Wishing you the power of your truth! 

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is a Intuitive Coach, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa  (vanessa@intentandaction.com) for life coaching, keynotes, programs, and intuitive consultations.

Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2019

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