Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Catching a Thermal of Possibility with Compassion

Life gets heavy. It gets so loud that we cannot hear the little voice nudging us out of suffering into joy. We cannot hear those words of wisdom that lighten the load and dim the roar. Peace and calm lost, we react in the maelstrom. Each reaction adds to the weight and volume of suffering. We are unable to release our grip on our suffering.

We get attached to so easily. We aren’t even aware of it happening until we wake to the fact that we are anxious, full of doubt, and fearful. Sometimes we carry the anxiety, the doubts, the fears with us for so long that we forget what it is like to be free — to feel that we can accomplish anything. 

So, what do we do? We can be held in bondage by our perceived failures or we can remove that last finger holding us to the crumbling cliff of self doubt. As we push away from the illusion that binds us, we free fall into our true self. In the air we catch a thermal of possibility and rise on wings expanded by courage. We try one more time aware that maybe, just maybe, this may be the time. Our courage lifts the weight is lifted and dims the noise.

How do we get to the point of liftoff? Although we can soar to our self by our self, lifting the weight and dimming the noise is often accomplished with the help of others. It takes a village to coax us from the crumbling cliff of illusion and into the air of possibility. Sometimes that village is a few people who believe in you. 

Recently I had three people write letters of reference for me. I was humbled not only by their belief in me but also how they really saw me. Those letters reminded me of my skills, my value, my compassionate self. Each of those letters was a true acts of self compassion that spurred me to push away from that cliff. I caught a thermal of possibility. As a result, I used the power of creativity and inner wisdom to write a cover letter that came from a light heart and a quiet mind. 

While we can recognize our attachments, it isn’t so easy to let go of them by our self. We need help lifting the boulders and turning down the volume of the roar. Because under those boulders and roars, are the truth of who we are and the power to navigate through the good and the bad times of our life. 

May you liftoff from the cliff and ride the thermals of possibility — with your village and without. 

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is a Neural Synchrony™ facilitator, Professional Speaker, and Author who weaves her inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are A Constellation of Connections: Contemplative Relationships and Engaging Compassion Through Intent & Action. Vanessa assists clients in navigating their life paths with intuition. Contact Vanessa @ vanessa@intentandaction.com for keynotes, programs, and consultations.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook / Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2018

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