Tuesday, October 18, 2022

A Tale of Two Cats: Chaos & Change

Scattered meows heard  
here & there when herding cats
best to be aware 

My life passed in a haze as a pair of cats traipsed through my days. The pairs’ names was Chaos and Change. 

Everywhere that I looked those recalcitrant cats slinked — in my life, in the lives of friends, throughout the world. Dancing to a frenzied tune they resisted any attempts to control or re-direct. So caught in the upheaval of these mischievous cats, I could not see the opportunities waiting to shift my perspective.

Finally I focused on that tiny whisper riding on the purrs of Chaos and Change. I heard the words of Pema Chödrön, “You can see the world as an unfolding of opportunities or just a series of raw deals.” An aha! An epiphany! Change and Chaos are opportunity!  

Opportunity is an effervescent sparks that dances through everything. When I see possibility, I realize that while I can’t herd those cats; maybe, just maybe, I can change my perception of the cats and see them as opportunities to grow, to heal, to be peace.

I enter into my quiet and calm myself. In this place of peace, I invite the energy of possibility to suffuse me. I feel her ruffling breeze, and am drawn deep into her roots. I ask myself, what is causing my resistance to seeing opportunity instead of chaos. The answer is simple. Triggers.

As I expose my triggers, I gained a new perspective. I recognize that the cats weren’t chaotic. They were dancing to a song I composed and choreographed. To my chagrin, I realized I was the cat whispered who did not like how I was whispering to those cats! When I understood that I choose the song and the steps to the dance, the chaos once defined as raw deal became an opportunity.

Look at your frenzied cats. Let’s call them catalysts or triggers. How are you inviting the chaos of self-defeating triggers? How are those triggers manifesting in your life? Name the catalysts that stimulate the chaotic patterns. Once aware, you break the patterns.  

You rewrite your script and move from a place of seemingly endless chaos to one of limitless possibilities. Those frenzied cats will always be in our lives. We can choose to see those cats as raw deals or as opportunities for growth. 

Name those catalysts, befriend them, teach them your new song. As your song spirals from you, it twines into the hearts of others becoming a calming influence throughout world. 

 Van Hurst, ms, is an intuitive-coach-catalyst. As a contemplative coach, she uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for navigating the mundane and extraordinary. The result of time with Van? Being the change you want to see in the world by creating a blueprint for your life through a deeper connection to your intuition and contemplative nature. 

Van is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Her most recent book, As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive, is available on Amazon. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook / Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2022

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