Tuesday, October 13, 2020

As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive

There is a magic, a mystery of the world that is revealed by opening the door of the unknown. Entering this unknown is not a fear-filled adventure undertaken in the stealth of night but a courageous stepping forth with eyes wide open to intuition. 

We are intuitive. This much is true. However our intuition comes to us, it beckons us into relationship with the unknown. In this relationship, our steps are taken with curiosity — don’t you want to know what waits just beyond reach? Aren’t you eager to take that next intuitive step? These steps are taken with daring and trust as we have the courage to seek answers to questions we fear to utter. 

No matter how uncertain, no matter how imperfect, life waits for no one. It glides across the rough spots reminding us that, we too, can glide across them or get scuffed by the jagged rocks of challenges and wishes unmet. Listening to our intuition we gain the ability to glide on its thermals. Soaring over our challenges, we see from a different viewpoint. We become more objective.

Navigating through the uncertainty happens by listening intently to the many voices of our intuition. These voices manifest through all of our senses — sight, hearing, touching, smelling, tasting. Each intuitive message invites us to be, again and again, the person we are. Intuition is nothing extra; rather, it presents the skills and information that allow us to thrive — to express our soul purpose. 

Intuition is as natural as breathing. It is the energizer of our being; the trailblazer through uncertainty into the unknown. The voice of intuition is a life guide intent on bringing us back to our self. It calls us home.  Isn’t that what life is all about? No matter where we find our self, ultimately we make the journey back home to our self. We gain a deeper understanding of who we are by not giving into the fear that we are not exactly who we want to be. The voice of intuition sings away our doubts and urges us onto the path of being exactly who we are.

You may be thinking, “Enough, Vanessa! How do we get to this space?” I give you a simple hint: through a3 awareness — being awake, alert, alive. 

  • Not the awake the jerks you into the moment with the annoying beep of your alarm. This is the awake that has you noticing the truly extraordinary in the world. Awake, you are aware of triggers and potential reactions while depending upon your intuition to guide you into response.
  • Being alert not in the sense of fight or flight but being vigilant to the many ways that your intuition speaks to you. You are alert to your ongoing dialogue with intuition. You listen, reflect, and fashion responses to the world based upon this dialogue.
  • Now, we are all alive. We inhale, exhale; our heart beats. The alive I speak of comes from being truly awake and alert to the messages of our intuition. When we are alive, we identify, decipher, and respond to our intuition. 

Connecting to our intuition is as natural as breathing when you accept that you are intuitive. May it be so.  

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive-Coach-Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook / Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2020

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