Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Shake It Up: Living An Adventuresome Life

When I walk, I take the same the same route. That is, until about two weeks ago. My inner voice grew increasingly more vocal about taking a different path. I argued, “it is easy and predictable." I continued taking the same path until one morning when I woke up and thought, “this is it! I am going to take a different route.” That morning, my trek was spontaneous as my intuition guided me. 

Since that time my walk has become anything but rote. I have shaken it up. I have walked through uniques neighborhoods that I didn’t know existed. I’ve seen a fence created entirely by live trees, hoofed up and down hills, and peered into wetlands from a raised walkway. Shaking up my walk opens new vistas to me. I wondered, “What would happen if you shook up other parts of your life?”

Now, I am not talking about a shake up for the sake of shaking. I am talking about letting go of the stale and old. This shaking up occurs through discernment or objectively listening to the voice of your intuition, creating a plan, and then acting upon it. For me, this means paying attention to what is no longer working in my life. I full-body listen to gain clues what is outdated and needs to be shaken up. 

Notice that I say shaken up not thrown out. Often our life doesn’t need to be radically changed. It just needs to be tweaked. Discernment through full-body listening helps us decide what we can keep, what needs to be let go of, and what needs to be shaken up.

Let’s return to full-body listening. (Find out more about it here) When we listen with our senses to the four aspects of our being — body, mind, spirit, and heart, we gain critical information. How do we do this? Let’s practice:

  • Choose something in your life — it could be big: your job, a relationship — or something small: your hair style, your interaction on social media. 
  • Objectively reflect upon this piece of your life. Don’t make judgments or defend what you discover. Just gather facts. 
  • Ask yourself how you are impacted by this piece of your life. (For example: you may feel fluttering in your stomach, have a thought that repeats over and over again, or an emotion may surface.) Use your five senses to formulate your answer.
  • Create a multi-dimensional image of what you are sensing. The image takes form as you discover what the piece of your life looks like, sounds like, feels like, smells like, and tastes like. Shake up how you are experiencing this life piece.
  • Note how this life piece is impacting your body, mind, spirit, and heart separately and collectively. 
  • Ask yourself what needs to be shaken up and to what degree the shake needs to happen. Sometimes a shake is slight; other times it creates a seismic shift in your life. There is no wrong answer. You choose how the change will manifest.

Now an example: my hair and I have had an uneasy relationship for quite some time. Added to this uneasiness is the temperature at my workplace. The heat, humidity, and subsequent sweat result in my hair becoming what I refer to as “old lady frizz.” This description was only the beginning of what my internal monologue said about me (mind). It triggered emotions (heart). I wanted to make a change but feared how I would look in shorter hair. The voice of my intuition (spirit) grew louder and louder, until I could not longer ignore the stale in my life. I got my hair cut (body).

That haircut was the shake up that I needed. I feel more powerful; more of who I am. In fact, I tell people that I am rocking my Jaime Lee Curtis who I view as a short haired, incredibly powerful, together woman. As a result of that haircut, I have begun to shake up other aspects of my life. This includes a new website and painting aura portraits. I in this shaking up, I am becoming exactly who I am. 

So, how are you shaking up your life? How are you rocking your Jamie Lee Curtis? How are you becoming exactly who you are? I’d like to know.   

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive-Coach-Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa  (vanessa@intentandaction.com) for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

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Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2020   


  1. Thank you, Carol, the world needs more humility and a deep listening to the words of our intuition. Be blessed today and always, Carol. Love you! Van

  2. Now you need a new headshot showing off your snazzy new 'do!

    1. You are so right! I just need it to frame my face and get my photographer to snap a photo or twelve!
