Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Free to Be: An Artisan of Joy

Have you ever crammed yourself into an itty bitty box trying to get away from judgments — yours and others? If you are like me, you struggle not to accept the illusion that the hurt filled assumptions are true. Regardless of the truth, there is a safe complacency within those boundaries of illusion, but this complacency never lasts long.

When we happily go along with the illusion, any blimps of dissatisfaction and unrest are quenched by denial until the yearning to be ourself grows so loud we must respond. Finally questioning the falseness of these judgments, we find the strength to stand on our tiptoes to peer over the rim of the box of judgment. In that moment, we see a field of possibility just waiting to be seeded with our true self. 

With one small jump, we catch the rim with our hands and catapult out of captivity into a field of potential. We walk through the sprouts of our new growth recognizing that we have been sharing our truth all along. We blow upon the dandelion fluff feeling joy as the grace and beauty of our self take flight. We know not where our good deeds will land only that when they land the beauty of our soul is shared.

Peering over the side of our judgment filled box or leaping from it — both are acts of freedom. We choose to go beyond the illusions and shift our perception of our place in the world. With curiosity, we really see. With courage and daring we take our place in the world. We no longer deny that we gifts to share. We choose intentional interaction with the world. 

Practically, how do we break free of the judgments that hold us back? How do we take those tiny steps turned great leaps into the life we are already living? 
    • Name what limits you. This could be a judgment of yourself or another or a notion you have about yourself.
    • Name how this belief manifests in one core part of your life. This could be in your profession, a relationship, a habit, or something else.
    • Name one thing that you can do in this moment to stretch your boundaries, break down a wall, create a space of exploration.
    • Find the courage, the daring to let go of the illusion and live.
    • Feel the joy that comes from stepping out of who you believe you are into who you really are.
Simple. Difficult. Just words. Start with small steps on the road to embracing who you truly are. Each time that you do, you erode that box of judgment-illusion and spread the dandelion fluff of your soul into the world.  

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an Intuitive, Coach, Catalyst, who uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for personal and relationship transformation. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa  (vanessa@intentandaction.com) for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs. 

Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2020

1 comment:

  1. I feel like you're writing directly to me, Vanessa...and I wonder for how many others your words of encouragement tinder a spark of resolve. Even small steps can lead to amazing adventures. Thank you for this post!
