Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Aurora Borealis Of Your Soul

Deep within you is an ember glowing. You might to  be able to smell its curls of smoke, feel the crackling of sparks, or see the flames flickering. Even if you cannot scent the ember, it is there. Believe in its existence, for the ember is you.

How do you find this ember? When you are quiet, focus your attention within. Allow your breath to flow to your core. Don’t despair that you will find it. Be in the silence. Trust in the wisdom of the ember. Know that you will recognize your ember’s warmth. It draws the breathe to it.

Reach deep into your being. Breathe into your core. Bask in the warmth of your ember. And, if you dare, blow a whisper of hope upon your ember, and another and another and another, until the sparks fly up, up, up through the chimney of your soul.

Soaring out of the chimney, the sparks fly into your quiet mind soothing its wayward thoughts. They calm the mad journey of fear to judgment to assumption to reaction. Breathe peace into the unsettled, the uncertain. Your quiet mind clears revealing your emotions running amok. 

Oh, the emotions bursting within you! I wish that you shift through the starbursts of sorry, of suffering, of anger that explode from the kernels of your fear. Feel these raw emotions but do not hold on tight! They are meant to be experienced and released not to be coveted like treasured heirlooms. Allow joy to fuel that ember of yours.

I hope that you grab onto joy as you ride the shooting starts one after another as the ember explodes in the most beautiful aurora borealis dancing across the sky of your being. Within its glow are reflections of the beauty of your soul. It reflects the compassion in your heart. The ember’s aurora borealis lights the way of your truth. 

For life is simplicity and complexity all at once. Deep within you is an ember glowing that propels you though this existence. It beats with your compassionate heart and loves you into the forever.

Lighting the tunnel is hard, courageous work. You’ve got to be curious and daring when you sift through the rocks, ponder the graffiti, and splash in the puddles. Maybe you do this alone, Maybe you get help from another. Light your tunnel with a single spark or sparks combined. 

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is a Life Coach through Intuitive Connection, creates effective strategies for transformation by connecting her clients to their intuition. She is a professional speaker and author who weaves her inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa @ vanessa@intentandaction.com for life coaching, keynotes, programs, and intuitive consultations.

Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2019

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