Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Compassion: The Art of Loving Our Self

Who is the most difficult person we will ever  love? I nominate our self. Why? We spend so much time in our head ruminating on what we did or what we said. Replaying situations that didn’t go as planned. We pick our self apart focusing on the imperfections while minimizing the most lovable aspects of our self. 

I am not advocating that we ignore the parts of our self that we do not like or that we excuse or justify bad behavior. Truly loving our self is about loving every aspect of our self no matter how difficult it is to like that part of our self. This love looks imperfection in the eyes not as a stare down but as a gaze of compassion. A compassion that paves the way of soul purpose.

Love exposes wounds, acknowledges hurts, and soothes aches. It is a balm that heals us in ways that do not diminish the challenge of suffering; rather, it empowers us to meet the challenges with courage and grace. With our courage and grace, love permeates the self through the cracks of our woundedness. Within those healed cracks are spaces to grow into our true self. 

This loving and being our true self is a spiral that grows ever wider reaching deeper into those secret places of wounds and fears. Our courage and truth seeps into those spaces empowering us to accept who we really are. We befriend the wound not to feed its festering but to intentionally soothe it with the healing balm of love. Courage shifts our perception of who we think we are into who we truly are.

How do we love our self into being our true self? 
    • Begin each day affirming self love by gently breathing unconditional love into your being. 
    • When you notice an imperfection, don’t run away from it or stuff it into a convenient corner. Notice it. Own it. Find the roots of its trigger. Name the lesson. Create a strategy to love the imperfection into oblivion. 
    • Live with courageous understanding — know that you are doing your best in the moment.
In the end, we love our self not because of our words, thoughts, and actions. We love our self through our imperfections to  connect to the flickering spark of sacred-extraordinary within. 

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is a Life Coach through Intuitive Connection, professional speaker, and author who weaves her inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa @ vanessa@intentandaction.com for life coaching, keynotes, programs, and intuitive consultations.

 Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2019