Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Acting Compassionately When Things Happen

Bad things happen to good people. I’ve heard that said over and over again. Sometimes, I am the good person bad things happened to. When that happens, I can get mired in the bad (sometimes I do) or I can find a way through the bad into a new reality.

What happens when we reframe the bad things? We are able to acknowledge and act upon the opportunity seeping through the brokenness of our soul. We shift from hopeless suffering to a sense of purpose. Within this shift is the power of the reframe.

How do we reframe? Let’s begin with the sentence, Bad things happen to good people. Remove the adjectives and you get: things happens to people. By removing those descriptors, we take away the emotional judgment of the sentence.   

Next, we discern what happened. Please note, that this doesn’t mean that our grief is any less or the frustration and anger we may be feeling is negated. No, it means that we look objectively at what is evolving. By stepping outside the myriad of broken feelings, we are able to identify the challenge inherent in that bad thing. 

Reframing does not negate the reality of a situation. It provides a different way of looking at it, finding meaning in it, and gaining peace no matter what our circumstance. For example, a loss of a job may give us an opportunity to see how we get stuck in the same employment pattern job after job. But, this time, we see the pattern, learn the lesson inherent in it, and heal. We gain the power to secure a position that will not allow us to repeat the pattern again. 

We can say, the loss of a job is a bad thing or the loss of that job gave us an opportunity to recognize what patterns do not work in our life. The job loss opened us to healing a part of our self. It positioned us to find employment that allowed our authentic self to shine. 

It is inevitable that things happen to us. But, when they do, we have a choice — to stay mired indefinitely in the suffering or to reframe the circumstances we find ourself in. While the reframe may not be an instantaneous fix; through it, we gain the objectivity to create the life we want.  

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is a Life Coach through Intuitive Connection, professional speaker, and author who weaves her inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available through www.wildefyrpress.com. Contact Vanessa @ vanessa@intentandaction.com for life coaching, keynotes, programs, and intuitive consultations.

Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2019

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