Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Wu Wei of Dancing Leaves

Yesterday’s rain shook leaves from trees.  Today I watched the wind whip through the fallen leaves picking them up and depositing them in seeming haphazard ways.  Different shades, different shapes, different species all formed a community of leaves.  How like the leaves we are.  Some of us sit in the solitary for moments only to be drawn into a group.  At times, we might feel wind blown as we surprisingly connect with others.

The leaves dancing remind me of the invitation to move in the flow of life.  The leaves remind me of the practice of Wu Wei.  Perhaps today I will be here, tomorrow over there, and remain in the same spot on the third day.  Wu Wei asks me to be in the flow of my life — to move in the breeze created by the breath behind the breath.  And, to trust that each moment no matter how calm or chaotic it may seems offers opportunities to be authentic.

Within this wafting on the breath behind the breath, there are opportunities to give into complacency.  Through the practice of a3, we are awake, alert, and alive.  Living by a3, we live in awareness of our ability to ride on the gentle breeze and be buffeted by gale force winds relatively unscathed.

Like those leaves, when we embrace Wu Wei, we are aerodynamic.  And, while the wind may be strong, we ride the thermals, take in the sites, and know that eventually we will land exactly where we need to be.  Cloaking our self in our aerodynamic spirit ensures that we are both aware of and enjoy the extraordinary nature of the place and the people until we find our self dancing in the air onto the next adventure.

That community of leaves on my patio invite me to remember that when I practice Wu Wei, I am more likely to move with the experience and enjoy the extraordinary instead of being stuck in the drudgery of the mundane.

May you dance with the leaves and rest wherever you find yourself in community.


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